Wednesday, 15 March 2023

Long Light

We are almost to the equinox, and that means that the sun is higher and sets later.  At this time of year, if we have the right snow conditions, there is what I call ‘long light’; long clear shadows are cast across the snow by the setting sun. We had those conditions today and I grabbed my big Nikon and tried to record them. It has not worked well – the photos are dull compared to the visuals in my memory. I am going to post them anyway – a pale ghost of what I wanted. The turkeys in shot 3 did not intend to photobomb – they come by every afternoon as JG puts out a snack for them and the deer.

As for the ‘long light’, the quote is from a poem by Tennyson. It is a fine and opulent stanza, typical of him. Rather like getting a bouquet of flowers with roses and chrysanthemums and carnations all bunched together. Beautiful in its own way.


From Mirriam Webster:  transitive verb: to wish for earnestly - covet an award. : to desire (what belongs to another) inordinately or culp...