Wednesday 16 October 2024


 Just to take the taste of that last pity party out of my mouth, I am reporting a new source of reasons for you to pity me. And that is that my kitchen hates me. 

The backstory. We have, of course, pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving dessert. And with the pie JG requires whipped cream. Whipped with a touch of vanilla and just a sprinkle of sugar. Whipped stiff, almost to the butter stage. Our grandkid does this very well, using a Cuisinart handheld ice cold (from the freezer) whip and with the cream in a precooled container. So, we had dinner, the girl, um, young woman whooshed, JG loaded his pie with glorious white curls. There was enough left that he had the last piece of pie yesterday also loaded. And the carton that contained the cream was still in the frig. With a bit of cream left in it.

Now, JG complained that it was a very small container and I reminded him that the YD had produced two cartons for the festive day, only taking one home with her when it was clearly not needed. But, there were blueberries in the frig just demanding that the rest of the cream be whipped for a topping for them. Blueberries are like that, right?

And so. I got out the Cuisinart handheld, put the whisk end onto it and, inserting it into the container with the last of the cream (with a touch of vanilla poured in first), turned it on. Whirring and whipping followed until, suddenly, there was sort of a clunk and the partially whipped cream whirled out of the container and onto my sweater and face and the counter and the wall and the floor. I turned off the machine and demanded assistance. After some considerable cleanup, it was determined that one strand of the whisk had broken.

I had ice cream and chocolate sauce for dessert. JG at the partially whipped cream with his blueberries.

Goodness only knows what is going to break next. 


  1. Wow! That's a rare breakdown for a beater. Glad it didn't come off and injure you, except for the splattering mess. Whew! Linda in Kansas

    1. I have ordered a replacement and I hope that it is more robust than the one that went snap. it was in the container with the cream when it went, thus not a threat. But JG did not get much cream, as there was not much left.

  2. But you saved some whipped cream! And you both still got dessert. I vastly prefer yours, by the way. I do not care at all for blueberries.

    It's so irritating when things don't work properly or break suddenly, especially when they cause a mess. And it would have been far better had it broken when someone else had been using it. You could have been noble and kind and said, "Oh, my! Well, at least you weren't hurt. That thing was old anyway. And you've still mostly whipped the cream." Perhaps the person would even vow to buy you a new one there on the spot!

    Oh, hell. Just be Noble And Kind to yourself. 😘

    1. New one en route. JG found one on the website for Cuisinart, but would have had to sign up for a membership to buy it. He does not do that kind of thing. So, I have ordered from Amazon at a madly inflated price. Annoying, but I need the thing. Cuisinart should be ashamed; not a sturdy item.
      If the grandkid had broken it, she was wearing a merino wool sweater. Mine is from a dollar store, knit cotton and has been washed a lot.
      I am indeed Noble. I let others lick the beater.

  3. You whipped up a pretty good blog entry. lol

    Mainly, I am thunderstruck by making 'your' own whipped cream. I thought it just came in tubes and containers. :)

  4. JG will not tolerate the tube or pressurized kind. He wants Real Cream. A, forgive me, purist.

  5. Thankfully, Patrick is happy with the canned variety of whipped cream, so no mishaps except when the nozzle is pressed incorrectly, don't laugh, it has happened. Too bad JG didn't get his full allotment . I would have been happier with the ice cream and sauce myself.

  6. I hear you about the nozzle. A few blowups when we use them on desserts at the hall dinners. It pays to stand away from the squirter. But anyone close to me would have been, as they say, creamed.
    I don't even like the stuff. Chocolate is my passion.



 Just to take the taste of that last pity party out of my mouth, I am reporting a new source of reasons for you to pity me. And that is that...