Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Wordless Wednesday

It's a good thing it's Wordless Wednesday because I'm so annoyed I'm (almost) speechless. Here is a letter that appeared in the National Post to-day:

More Conrad Black, please
National Post Published: Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Re: A Nation Seeking A Hero, Conrad Black, Jan. 12.
Callipygian. Yes of course I looked it up. There are not many positive things that have come from the witch-hunt prosecution of Conrad Black. But if locking him up gives him time to write special pieces for the National Post on a regular basis, then I see the positive side much more clearly. Playful, well-researched, intelligent and powerful writing is lacking in much of journalism today. More of this great stuff to come I hope.
Stephen Morin, Toronto.

ps: Callipygian = shapely buttocks. Yeah, a LOT of research.


  1. i have no idea who conrad black is, and I'm OK with that. because he sounds like a real cad

    your last two posts are spot on in regards to how the world judges women.

  2. Gack!!! Ack!!! Stop reading the National Post now. This is precisely why I don't read it.

  3. And here i thought that locking him up meant we would NOT have to hear from Mr Black.
    Something to be said for the fact that he is incarcerated and yet still is able to work...guess he had to find a legitimate way of making his millions.


Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...