Monday, 12 May 2008

Musing about Nothing Much

Dress #3

and 4.

The idea is that Little Stuff is getting all of these in a 'Dressing Up' box, since she is fixated on princesses just now. Her friends will wear them for the party and then the dresses will go back into the box. I hope this works, as I do not want her birthday party guests to be disappointed. They are getting their crowns to take home, plus loot bags, plus sceptres if the ED and I can find enough the same.

The 'Dressing Up' box is my idea -- my daughters had one and they loved it. I made dresses and other costumes, plus junk jewellery, scarves, hats, artificial flowers and whatever else they liked to put in. They and their friends had a wonderful time with it. I was talking with the YD about this on Sunday and she says she remembers it well, plus my making costumes for school plays and shows and Hallowe'en.

The dresses are not as fancy as they look because all the fabric except for two pieces came from the remnant room at a wonderful fabric store in the city and cost about $2.00 (Canadian) per metre. The trimmings are mostly wired floral arrangement ribbon. I figure the average cost per skirt and vest combo is around $9.00, adding in elastic and velcro. And it is very easy to do, especially since I am making the vests reversible and thus avoiding bias trim. I may spring for some custom frogging closures, if I run out of energy to make the bow fasteners.

The Painted Maypole organized a send up of personality tests as this week's Monday Mission. Hers is really, really funny. You can see it here. Her post got me thinking about personality and personality tests. There is one you can add to Facebook. I have done mine and each time I did it, it came out as something different. I am either an INFJ, (Sage) or an INTP (Theorist). I am both amused and bemused by this; some of the explications seem apt and others are just not anywhere near.

And so, who am I? In fact, if I think about it seriously, I really am not sure who I am. I am one person at home with the husband. I am quite another person when I am running a Board meeting. (Catch me telling JG that he's out of order -- not one snowball's chance in hell!) I am not the person I want to be -- who is, after all? I am not the person I was 25 or 50 years ago (and thank goodness for that!). I guess I should be happy that, whoever I am, people seem to like me and work with me. And I should get on with cutting out dress #5.

I have a flight of male goldfinches at the nyger feeder, glowing in the late afternoon sun. I have a wild turkey stomping around in the dead leaves in the little bush below the screen porch. The Canada Plum and the trillia (ums?) are blooming and there are two red ones in the patch beside the kitchen window. My bearded iris got planted this morning. The lilac are budded out. How I love spring, blackflies and all.

I should put in a post label called 'babbling on'.


  1. my daughter loves her dress up box, and we dig around in there frequently.

    I can never remember what it is that I come out on those myers=briggs test, I have to look it up everytime someone asks. what I do remember is that it is the EXACT opposite of my husbands... while he is an introvert, I am an extrovert, etc. makes for lots of fun at home! ;)

  2. hmm... don't know why that posted twice. sorry. ;)

  3. Be in no doubt ... and tell him he is out of order! and can I have a princess costume too?

  4. Oh, I love the purple one! I want it.

    When Maya was 5, she had an 'under the sea' party, where I made a treasure hunt that ended in the sand box, where the kids dug for seashells, gold coins (chocolate) and glow-in-the-dark sea creatures. Which all fit in the treasure boxes they'd made at the beginning of the party, decorating them with itty bitty seashells and stickers and such. The kids loved it, the parents hated me because now all their kids wanted the same, and I was very pleased with the mommy points I got that day - but you, you have raised the birthday bar so high no one else will ever reach it.


Winging It?

  It appears that Doug Ford has, indeed, called a provincial election. American friends, I hope you will not be bored, but Ontario is going ...