Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Thump!

It is my birthday today and I got a Nikon 990 with an18-200 lens. After I read the manual and get a bit of a grip on this thoroughbred (maybe in a couple of months, she said with a hollow laugh) the quality of WW and Photo Fridays should increase. At the moment, I am reading the Quick Guide and breathing through my mouth. I could do this once, long ago. Surely I can remember the SLR lore. Gulp.


  1. Nice camera, great toy. Good luck picking it back up. I used to know how to do that, too. I did a photography course in school and all that... I'm sure I've since forgotten everything I learned.

  2. Yay! Happy Birthday. Great gift. Lucky us.

  3. Whoo! That's one heck of a range on that lens... have fun! (And watch out for those snowballs!)

    And Happy Birthday! :-)

  4. you've had a birthday
    shout hooray!
    i'm going to sing to
    you today!
    one year older
    and wiser too.
    happy birthday
    to you!

    enjoy the camera
    big cheesy grin just for you :P

  5. Congratulations. You can always start by putting it on Auto and get comfortable with the rest as you go along.


Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...