Saturday, 6 June 2009

Jessica at Daysgoby gave me this award: she's certainly a model recipient for it herself.

"This award is given to the writers of blogs that “are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”

I am blushing all over, and am now busy contemplating the eight super people to whom I will pass it on. As to the order, that is how they came up in my Google Reader. And they are in my reader because I love what they write and because they are transparent and funny and kind, dedicated readers as well as writers, just plain good folk. Please go and see for yourself.

First off, to Wherever Ewe Go, There Ewe Are, a transplanted American mom living in Scotland and the best darn blogger at writing dialogue for photos that you could imagine. Right now she and her family are waiting, with bated breath, for the arrival of a daughter.

Tere at A Mom, A Blog and the Life In-between, who has just looked at herself in the mirror and found that she looks good in a bathing suit. Marvellous! Tere can be both self-analytical and funny as hell, sometimes both at the same time. And am I ever jealous of the bathing suit thing.

Mary Murtz at The Eleventh. She is an eleventh child, a wonderful humourous, dedicated writer who is always fun to read. Even when she is having a bad, bad day, she lives it with elan and charity.

Bon at Crib Chronicles. If Bon is upset or frightened or worn out or happy or elated, you know it and what she writes conveys her emotions so, so well. She is also both smart and funny and some of the topics she discusses will really make you think.

Karen at A Day in the Life. How can you not love a person whose header includes 'pull up a chair and stay for a while' and whose descriptions of life with the kids can make you spray wine all over your computer screen.

Anvil Cloud at Raindrops. The most dementedly devoted grandpa still standing, and a wonderfully descriptive sharer of his life and preoccupations. And he calls his wife 'Cuppa'. Got to love that.

Yikes, I've only got two more.

Kaye at The Road Goes Ever, Ever On. She's just a sweetie and is finding her blogging voice beautifully. She's also an artist and a genius with her hands. And she loves LOTR -- as do I. Bonded. Just like that.

Painted Maypole. This hugely generous lady hosts the Monday Missions, scouts for causes that need contributions, runs a home and deals with the May Queen and is an actor on top of all that. Unbelievable. And wonderful. And thoughtful - she can make you think about drama and laugh while you are doing it.

I only have another 48 people that I need to tell you about. I have to obey the rules, you say? Oh, okay. But I would be delighted to share my Reader list -- I love the whole bunch of them a whole lot. And if you want the button, I would be delighted to share.


  1. Mary, congrats on this well -deserved award and how sweet of you to pass it on to me! I'm so glad that I discovered you, and that you've been by my neck of the woods - so honoured to be on your Reader as well!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. oh shucks, thanks ever so much. I do indeed think of you, and many other bloggers, as friends. these connections we've made online are rather priceless.

  3. Thanks Friend. That's a very nice award.

  4. There are a couple on this list I don't already read! Rubs hands together gleefully...

  5. Thank you, Mary! Can't think of a better person to receive this recognition from!

  6. Well deserved! Picture me standing applauding and nodding sagely in agreement!

  7. How very sweet, thank you!

    And, yes, we're still waiting!


  8. gee thanks Mary--how nice of you to think of me. I'd gladly turn around and send this award right back to you, you always had your bloggy door open for visitors.


Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...