Friday, 3 September 2010


I have been trying to get the photo a day thing under control and have ended up with this weird, weird mixture. 

037/365.  Summer Rain.

The object was to get the raindrops as close to in focus as possible.  ISO up as high as it would go.  Alas, the result looks more like snow.

038/365  Puddle.

Our deck railing is made from slightly cupped 2 x 6's.  I took a whole series of these and none of them worked all that well.  Hard to decide where to focus and not enough light to get an infinity focus.

039/365  Corners
I am still playing with the porch screen and light effects.  Here I like how the pine branches look through the shadowed part of the screen.  Note that the weather has improved.

040/365  September 2nd.
The first hints of fall colour in the stressed trees (water levels are high in the ponds because of a lot of rainfall).  The white stuff all over the water is seed fluff.

I am thinking that I may do a series of vegetation shots, maybe from a set point, to document the colour change this year.  I've got a pretty full calendar for September and if I take my camera with me (anyone have a way to permanently attach the camera to the dumb, forgetful photographer?) it might work out.

Love this project, I really do.  I am putting up failures as well as successes because that is what makes sense to me.


  1. I think you are doing wonderful--I admire your determination to improve your photographic skills.

  2. On the raindrops one, the flowers almost look more in focus to me. If you didn't use manual focus, perhaps it would be worth trying it next time. I have recently had to resort to manual focus a few times, and it seemed to work out okay. Usually I trust autofocus more than my failing eyes, however. Have you tried HDR for those hard to expose ones? I don't use it as my camera doesn't do that very well -- too much time lag between shots and shake during shots.

  3. AC you're right - I think the autofocus picked up the leaves. I've also been intending to get out the tripod and that would help with the exposure problems. This camera does not have a cable attachment; I had better get out the book.
    Kaye, thanks. I took a lot of photography courses long, long ago. This project has made me realize that I have been coasting for years.

  4. I love this project, too, and I admire your determination through the failures. That's the way that I feel, too. I really like to not simply just post the best photos, but really digest why they do and don't work. I'm learning lots from you.

    And - how strange! - I just noticed my dad's book on your sidebar in the 'Random books from my library' section.

  5. you are doing what I INTEND to do, but haven't truly done much of yet, which is use this challenge to figure out how to take different kinds of pictures, capture certain things, change settings, etc. i like to see the failures, too, because we often learn more from those

  6. That water scene of the lake is really beautiful. The puddle is very good too and all the others there is a *feel* to the mood of the picture.
    That first one is really hard to get the raindrops on the window. Very good picture though.
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May


Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...