The local strawberries are in! Tonight the YD came out to collect her touring canoe and made this
for her father for supper.
And one for heself and for me, of course.
feeling somewhat overfed, but it was worth it.
Sunday, 23 June 2013
Monday, 17 June 2013
Life, Looks and Libido
Note: this post is long and quote
heavy. Beware.
In the last few days, two articles in
the news have yanked my chain. The first is a report on a researchpaper that puts forward the theory that men's desire for young(er)
women is the cause of menopause. I don't follow the reasoning. If you
accept that menopause is a mutation that occurred in human women but
not in other primates, I think the reasoning around the 'grandmother'
theory makes more sense.
In the 'grandmother' theory, the
hypothesis is that the beginning of the mutation meant that some
older women were less likely to get pregnant and therefore did not
die when other early human women died worn out by later life
gestation. Such women would be useful to the family if they were
skilled foragers and good caregivers. Their children would reap the
benefits of extra food and child care and so would grandchildren,
thus passing on the increased survival benefit and fixing the
mutation. Simple explanation.
The reasoning given in Singh et al. ismore convoluted. As far as I can tell, the researchers started from
the hypothesis that "Our model requires neither the initial
assumption of a decline in older female fertility nor the effects of
inclusive fitness through which older, non-reproducing women assist
in the reproductive efforts of younger women. " They proved the
hypothesis in a computer model. For me, their reasoning goes around
in a loop in which mate selection preferring younger women allows
time for mutation to produce 'senescent' changes in older women,
making menopause an unfavourable choice. If so, then why did it
persist? I guess I need to read the background studies. Sigh.
Certainly some of the effects of
menopause are unpleasant, balancing off cessation of menstruation and
danger of pregnancy against low estrogen effects of hair growth, loss
of bone strength, skin changes and, according to studies, loss of
libido in many women.
As I was pondering all of this, I read
Margaret Wente's latest column, a discussion of the effects of big
pharmaceutical companies' desire for profit causing their research to
focus on creating needs where there should be none. She uses the
search for a pill to increase female libido as the main example of
I really like her conclusions, much as
I wanted to yell at her for her offhand comment that "Personally,
I’m not sure whether it’s desirable, seemly or even (quite
frankly) safe for senior citizens to copulate like jack rabbits."
(Read that over when you're past seventy, Margaret, and you are going
to cringe!)
The idea that 'There's a pill for
that,' is something that, at my age, causes me both amusement and
dismay. And never more so than in the area of lust. She quotes one
researcher [Tamara Kayali, a post-doctoral research fellow at
Dalhousie University who specializes in bioethics] as saying that "if
a woman’s sexual appetite wanes in middle age, why is that her
problem? “You’re assuming it’s the woman who needs fixing,”
she says. “Maybe we need a pill for men that will lessen their
desire for sex.” I love that thought. I would make such a pill
mandatory for any man who requires his female compatriots to drape
themselves in shapeless clothing so as not to be a distraction from
important male things.
Lust, libido, sexual expectations and
behaviour - a topic area that in my home in my childhood was pretty
close to taboo. I got birds and bees type information from my mother,
but when I asked her what intercourse felt like she answered that I
would have to find that out for myself. And the closest I ever came
to discussing the topic with my father was his somewhat strangled
comment on the eve of my marriage that I had better not count on
performance from my husband on my wedding night. None of my friends
ever discussed sex. I first learned that there was a thing called a
clitoris in my twenties. Books like 'The Joy of Sex' were a mid-life
revelation; if such things existed earlier, I never found them. And I
did look but all I found was fiction, written almost exclusively from
the male point of view. (Discourage your curious daughter from
reading Hemingway, is my advice!)
Following straight on from that snide
aside, it is my experience that body image is vitally important in
the whole libido thing, that it is almost exclusively shaped by
culture and that it is as much an influence on males as it is on
females. If you grow up in an era or a culture where your body type (facial
features, hair and skin colour and texture included) is not the
culturally admired one, you can very easily let yourself be
influenced in some highly adverse ways. If, for example, a tall,
broad shouldered, skinny and small breasted woman grows up in the
height of the Marilyn-Monroe-as-ideal era, she may well end up
believing that she are not desirable and persuade herself that sex is
not very interesting. If a girl grows up in the Twiggy era, has an
ectomorph* for an older sister but is herself curvy, taller and
heavier, she can equally devalue herself. Or end up with a very
limited range of men she considers attractive and that she thinks
might be attracted to her. Equally a young man with a body flaw might
well fix on the first young woman he finds who is not bothered by it,
having believed that no woman would ever want him, without
considering whether he and she were compatible in other ways.
Along with such every-day examples, we
all read about people whose functioning is totally warped by
attitudes to libido and the other sex. Rapists, kidnappers, sadistic
guerilla warriors, pitiful misfits, silly kids whose experimentation,
gone wildly wrong, destroys them - all these examples are the grist
for the media mill. Note that I am not talking here about people per
se who buy and sell sex. Marriage is, after all, a convention for the
buying and selling of sex. Among other things that it is, of course.
What I perceive as wrong is the devaluation of some sex trade workers
and their clients, both of themselves and of those they engage, if
the culture and their own experience teaches them to do so. It is so
easy for this kind of misery to escalate into horrible violence.
Examples are no further away than the Clifford Olson disaster.
Truly, I don't know which is worse,
being raised sort of Victorian the way I was, and passing (I very
much fear) some of the problems of that down to my own daughters or
being raised in this second decade of the 21st century where the
norms seem to indicate that anything goes but in actual fact punish a
lot of behaviours.
Menopause is a disease? This is the
start of the hypothesis of Singh et al. Lowered libido is a disease?
No, say Wente's sources, arguing against what they think is becoming
common thinking. Since I have lived through both pre and post pill
eras and have watched the growing emergence of women in the
workplace, in politics, in the arts, I see these attitudes as
reactionary, the back swing of the pendulum. I understand the
multiple and contradictory standards affecting women's behaviour,
appearance and status as a strategy to maintain the attitude that
women are not really people, fellow beings, but rather objects (I'm
groping for concepts here), other. A woman without overt signs that
she wishes to attract male lust is a frightening thing and must
therefore be categorized as sick or weak.
Aside: I think a poor hot and hampered
woman persuaded into a burkha becomes a walking signpost that she is
a sexual object first. The fact that some women choose to wear
restrictive and smothering clothing makes them fools. Or fooled
Equally, I think that a woman sliding her butt in its inadequate
skirt onto her blazing hot plastic car seat or courting frostbite in
a cropped top and the same inadequate skirt in Ottawa in February is
a fool and not nearly as sexy as she thinks she is. She has a lot
more choices than most of the over-wrapped women; why do so many
women with a lot of advantages dress uncomfortably and sometimes to
their permanent harm (I am thinking stiletto heels here) when they
don't have to? Maybe they, like the women who aver they love face
veils, have their thinking distorted by their culture.
And, on a personal note - why does my
beloved ten year old granddaughter want a bikini bathing suit? It's
idiotic! The stupid things fall off kids, leave lots of skin exposed
to sunburn and bug bites and look silly on a flat chest. But they
sell like hot cakes. Growl.
I wonder why acceptance of people as
people first, not male and female stereotypes, must be so difficult -
for both sexes. Because until that acceptance happens, misplaced
attitudes about libido will continue to warp and, in turn, damage our
society and our selves.
*Ectomorphic: characterized by
long and thin muscles/limbs and low fat storage; usually referred to
as slim.
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Weather or Not
Glug. We're treading water here. - Over 1.5 inches of rain up until Sunday and almost another inch so far last night and this morning. The ant trap on my hummingbird feeder has become a small splashing fountain because the eaves trough is overflowing, my newly planted annuals are looking pale and wan and the grass is growing into hay as we watch. Canadian fascination with the weather in full spate here.
It's been good news so far this week. Our great niece delivered her baby successfully on the weekend, making us great-great aunt and uncle for the third time, and our neighbour called this morning to say that her daughter had just produced a fine baby girl and all goes well. Lovely to hear. The names, though, are making my head spin a bit. One of the new little girls is Elsa, not a name much used but plain and spellable. (Is that a word? Well, Spellchecker took it.) The other baby is Maelle, a name that has a beautiful sound but that, ex teacher that I am, I foresee may cause some problems when she goes to school. The names that people are giving their children lately fascinate me - there is so much creativity and striving for the unusual. My name, plain old Mary, was so popular 70+ years ago, that I spent one summer as a teenager working, in a crew of seven, with five Marys including me. But no one uses it much these days.
Ah, the twenty-first century and its joys. As I struggle with my IPad and my brand new and quite incomprehensible Galaxy phone, as I wander with dismay through clothing stores filled with things I do not want to buy, as I watch most of the population of any city I visit spend more time on their cell phones than off, I feel more and more disconnected. I have a little list of terms I struggle to understand - bluetooth and ICloud for two. I am completely out of tune with the latest in music and video. I am becoming a dinosaur. Will my wrinkled body emerge from some unnatural preservation twenty centuries from now and puzzle my unimaginable descendants? Probably not. I will have to settle for puzzling my immediate descendants now.
The only thing that I feel sure of is that, regardless of what else has changed, people will still be complaining about the weather.
It's been good news so far this week. Our great niece delivered her baby successfully on the weekend, making us great-great aunt and uncle for the third time, and our neighbour called this morning to say that her daughter had just produced a fine baby girl and all goes well. Lovely to hear. The names, though, are making my head spin a bit. One of the new little girls is Elsa, not a name much used but plain and spellable. (Is that a word? Well, Spellchecker took it.) The other baby is Maelle, a name that has a beautiful sound but that, ex teacher that I am, I foresee may cause some problems when she goes to school. The names that people are giving their children lately fascinate me - there is so much creativity and striving for the unusual. My name, plain old Mary, was so popular 70+ years ago, that I spent one summer as a teenager working, in a crew of seven, with five Marys including me. But no one uses it much these days.
Ah, the twenty-first century and its joys. As I struggle with my IPad and my brand new and quite incomprehensible Galaxy phone, as I wander with dismay through clothing stores filled with things I do not want to buy, as I watch most of the population of any city I visit spend more time on their cell phones than off, I feel more and more disconnected. I have a little list of terms I struggle to understand - bluetooth and ICloud for two. I am completely out of tune with the latest in music and video. I am becoming a dinosaur. Will my wrinkled body emerge from some unnatural preservation twenty centuries from now and puzzle my unimaginable descendants? Probably not. I will have to settle for puzzling my immediate descendants now.
The only thing that I feel sure of is that, regardless of what else has changed, people will still be complaining about the weather.
Wednesday, 5 June 2013
Waiting on Summer
I'm freezing! In spite of the number on the calendar, how can it be June 5th when my thermometer on the deck read +2ยบ C when I woke up this morning? There is a small huddle of bedding plants beside the porch, waiting to be transplanted. The frost-free date in our part of the world is supposed to be May 24th. We had a heavy frost on May 25th and things have not warmed up much since. I guess this is global warming weather, but where's the 'warm'?
However, there are compensations. I can work outside in enough clothes that the ravening hordes of black flies and mosquitoes don't have much of a target. I can work outside without sweating (except when digging up topsoil). And, in spite of the cool, cool breeze I am going to have to do that this morning because the poor little seedlings in the huddle need more room for their roots and I have to plant them, arctic air notwithstanding. Today.
Mostly at this time of year we have all the windows open and are greeted each morning with a chorus of bird song. (And at night we hear the barred owl whooing away as we go to sleep.) My favourite singer is the rose breasted grosbeak. We had four males competing - as much as these gentle birds do compete - at the feeder and I am sure we have at least two breeding pairs now. Their song is lovely. We also seem to have song sparrows this year, and a few American goldfinches, but no white throated sparrows so far. Even bundled up in a bug shirt, being outside is an aural treat. Not quite as amazing as an English garden in May, but very nice.
My two standard lilac are done - only skeletal seed pods remain - but the Japanese lilac by the kitchen porch, in spite of the beating it took from the snow last December, is just opening and the butterflies are starting to attend.
Thus the joys of country living in a Canadian spring. I wonder if it sounds pretty tame or even boring. Frankly, there are times when I am bored. Times when the job list does not look the least bit enticing, but there is no excuse to turn it face down and do something fun. As of tomorrow my wonderful friend, always good for conversation, cutthroat Scrabble or a 'run away' day, will have been dead a year. We had dinner at her home last night, as her daughter was in town for a two day visit, and it was fun. But not the same. It will never be the same. And there is no point in mourning, but the tears well up anyhow sometimes.
Speaking of Scrabble, I am being crushed in on-line games by three wickedly clever opponents. I think I am at about my sixth consecutive loss, and am trailing badly in two out of the three games I am playing now. Some of it is lousy tiles - a row of seven vowels, followed by a row with no vowels at all - but a lot of it is that they are just plain outclassing me. Sob.
And it has now warmed up enough outside that I have absolutely no excuse not to go and rescue my bedding plants. Ah well.
However, there are compensations. I can work outside in enough clothes that the ravening hordes of black flies and mosquitoes don't have much of a target. I can work outside without sweating (except when digging up topsoil). And, in spite of the cool, cool breeze I am going to have to do that this morning because the poor little seedlings in the huddle need more room for their roots and I have to plant them, arctic air notwithstanding. Today.
Mostly at this time of year we have all the windows open and are greeted each morning with a chorus of bird song. (And at night we hear the barred owl whooing away as we go to sleep.) My favourite singer is the rose breasted grosbeak. We had four males competing - as much as these gentle birds do compete - at the feeder and I am sure we have at least two breeding pairs now. Their song is lovely. We also seem to have song sparrows this year, and a few American goldfinches, but no white throated sparrows so far. Even bundled up in a bug shirt, being outside is an aural treat. Not quite as amazing as an English garden in May, but very nice.
My two standard lilac are done - only skeletal seed pods remain - but the Japanese lilac by the kitchen porch, in spite of the beating it took from the snow last December, is just opening and the butterflies are starting to attend.
Thus the joys of country living in a Canadian spring. I wonder if it sounds pretty tame or even boring. Frankly, there are times when I am bored. Times when the job list does not look the least bit enticing, but there is no excuse to turn it face down and do something fun. As of tomorrow my wonderful friend, always good for conversation, cutthroat Scrabble or a 'run away' day, will have been dead a year. We had dinner at her home last night, as her daughter was in town for a two day visit, and it was fun. But not the same. It will never be the same. And there is no point in mourning, but the tears well up anyhow sometimes.
Speaking of Scrabble, I am being crushed in on-line games by three wickedly clever opponents. I think I am at about my sixth consecutive loss, and am trailing badly in two out of the three games I am playing now. Some of it is lousy tiles - a row of seven vowels, followed by a row with no vowels at all - but a lot of it is that they are just plain outclassing me. Sob.
And it has now warmed up enough outside that I have absolutely no excuse not to go and rescue my bedding plants. Ah well.
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Digging Out
The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...
