Sunday, 4 August 2019

Meme lifted wholesale from Nance. Thank you!

Today, Mary G Is:

Wearing: a pair of trousers that she bought in Zimbabwe in 1992. "Where did you get those pants*?" queried the Grandkid yesterday (when I also had them on). When I told her, she said "I thought so." The look on her face was hilarious.

Reading: Rereading, in fact. Rosemary Kirstein's Steerswoman series. If she does not get books five and six done soon, I will die without finding out the denouement. Cripes. First argument I have ever seen that makes living into extreme old age palatable.

Working On: Six months worth of backed up sorting, ironing and mending. I blame the knee surgery, but in truth it might have been piled up like that anyway.

Hearing:  Still procrastinating on making an appointment with a hearing aid provider.

Making For Dinner: Leftovers. We had Sunday dinner with the family on Saturday.  Pretty classy leftovers including jumbo shrimp and a fascinating Japanese cheesecake.

Thinking About: The YD who is working her tail off at her job. Not about to ease up anytime soon, either, as I understand it. However, she could take five minutes and send me an update email.

Planning: Spring cleaning. May get this done by Christmas.

* The pants are beige background with burnt umber patches and green animal outlines superimposed. And baggy. Very baggy.


  1. I always look forward to your posts - little reports on what you are up to! And now you have recommended a writer I have never heard of, which is always a joy. Off to try The Steerswoman at once! (And don't bother with ironing - life is too short when there are so many books to read!)

  2. You're welcome! Glad to oblige.

    Dearest, do stop ironing. I haven't ironed in ages. I just plop the item in the dryer with a damp towel and a dryer sheet and call it good when it comes out. Or I use the handheld steamer. On demand. Easy peasy.

    And your 27-year old pants have my closet beat. I think the oldest thing I have that I still wear is about 16 years old, unless you count some high heels.


Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...