Thursday, 25 February 2021

Snow Kidding

 The daughter in Pakistan sent an email yesterday saying that she missed the snow. Yeah. I had to drive to our shopping town yesterday and it was an, um, interesting drive as the weather was doing one of those things it does in Eastern Ontario in February. Cloud, snow, wet and clingy, wind, sky clearing, more wind, cloud arriving, more snow, and repeat. So, I slithered, breathing through my mouth, part of the time and stepped cheerfully along in the sun for the rest of the time. We have snow. We have almost all of the snow that the snow gods have dumped on us for the last month. 

I have a blogging buddy called Nance, who just put up a post about shovelling. She may need counselling soon. Oh, Nance, if you want to do some shovelling up here, feel free to pack the scraper as well because there are spots where it will be needed.

I just took some photos from our porches. Our unshovelled porches. YD, feel free to admire as you sit in your garden where, I imagine, you have flowers. 

Tomorrow we have a fine young man with a strong back hired to shovel the roof. 

This is showing the laneway out to the road. 
Laneway behind the house. 
The field. Under that layer of snow is my rock garden. The bit of blue on the far right side is a tarp covering JG's woodpile for next year.

Friday, 5 February 2021

To sport with Amaryllis in the window

 And two more blooms to come. She is a thing of beauty and a joy for the next few days at least.

Monday, 1 February 2021

Mother Love


I can’t resist doing this, I really can’t. I do promise not to cross post this to Facebook though.

 I just watched a video of my highly-competent, very professional (at the top of her profession) daughter giving an impassioned speech about picking up litter and policing green spaces. The video also contained a clip of her picking up after a group of children, stuffing the litter into a plastic bag.

 I was impressed.

 And then I had a metal picture of what her room looked like when she was a teen-ager.

 I am still stifling peals of unholy mirth.

You know that saying about a prophet being without honour in their own country? Yeah.


From Mirriam Webster:  transitive verb: to wish for earnestly - covet an award. : to desire (what belongs to another) inordinately or culp...