Wednesday, 3 January 2024

The Waiting Game

 I wait. A lot. I wait for letters, emails and other communications. I wait for the mail and the paper (well, not so much for the last of these as our guy delivers in the small hours). But at present I am waiting for a report about an x-ray that was taken early this month and was supposed to be read on the 27th. It is now January 3rd, the bottom corner of my computer tells me, and no report has been filed. It's discouraging, as I would much rather know something than not. Ignorance is not bliss.

The laundry is whirling around in its machine and some of the Christmas loot has been put away although there is still a pile of themed napkins in the dining room and a small stash of stuff to be recycled sitting on the living room floor. It was a very electronic Christmas. I think everyone but the ED's man  got a computer or computerized gadget. Ours is a bird feeder with a camera that will take photos of birds that come to the feeder. I am not sure yet how it works although I have figured out, with help from the YD, how to set it up. The YD got a laptop that cost her a whole evening of listening to a technician as she tried to set it up and found, I think, a flaw in the software. The download speed on the repair was abysmal; someone must have been streaming a movie on our shared node. Someones, perhaps, as it was abysmally slow. ( Drat you, Grammarly; that is a perfectly legal past perfect verb form. {I am getting the ‘have’ questioned. Ah, it was a spelling mistake, not the form.} I used to type quite well, but my dexterity has decreased a lot in the last few years. And why I use ‘dexterity’ when I am left-handed says something about our society, doesn’t it.)

Anyway, the tree is down and out, most of the boxes have made their annual migration to the basement, and there is the small pile of things to go to the recycle. It looks as if it may be a bigger pile next year. The YD, who likes Colour on her tree, encouraged me to get rid of the white lights that have adorned my silver and gold tree for many years and to put up coloured ones. I purchased a large number of red lights from our local CT (on sale, did I mention?) and we had a red tree with red glass balls. (Only one ball was smashed in the takedown.) And so I mentioned to the YD that the white lights could be recycled. No, she said. She wants them for next year. When, she also stated, she will help me sort out and downsize my boxes and boxes of Christmas Stuff. I await the event.

There is more on my calendar than usual, actually. The first week of the month brings a book club meeting and, usually, footcare. There is a hall committee meeting. In the following days there are more medical things, another group event and, probably, the hall AGM. Not exciting, exactly, but pleasant to await, in most cases. But things feel tentative; I do not know why. Perhaps it is the result of knowing that aging in place only lasts until managing is not safe. And that time is coming. It is around the bend of the road but it is there. Waiting. And I am afraid of what it may demand of me and mine.

That thought is there because this is a diary, mostly, and I needed to write down what feels like a cloud hanging over me so that I could pin it down a bit. It is not a thought that demands an answer here, where pleasant photos and reports on activities are the norm. With any luck, I will be posting about Christmas lights once more when the time arrives.


  1. Happy new year! But that X-Ray delay is terrible patient care. I've never waited more than a day for a reading and diagnosis. It's awful to be kept in suspense. Let us know how it goes.

    1. My doctor got it and is acting on the basis of what she knows, but there is a site where the reading ought to be posted for my information, and it is not there. I will keep you posted, as I get info. I suspect the hospital was short staffed over Christmas.

  2. I can relate to what you are saying. We're taking care of my 94 year old mom right now and I worry what will happen to us in the years ahead since I'm already feeling the effects of aging.

    1. I hear you, Kay. I did the mom care thing and it was really an education. Lots of sort of helpful things out there, but you have to know how to find them. And put aides in place as needed.

  3. DrumMajor has left a new comment on your post ' The Waiting Game':

    Drum Major said: Call the doc who ordered the xray and call the xray facility. You have a right to pick up a written copy of the report, but it may need medical translation by the doc. You also have the right to a copy of the CD disc that has the xray. Linda in Kansas
    Linda, doctor has it. What I am waiting for is the report on the site where I can read it. This site is supposed to report within two weeks of the xray. That was the 11th of December when they took it, so that is why I am annoyed. My doctor is a bit hard to understand, so I like to follow this stuff myself.


  4. I hope you get the report soon. Waiting for medical information is hard enough without such long delays.

    I hope you can continue to age in place for years ahead! I know that’s what we want but…who knows what’s ahead. Aging is not easy!

  5. Wow! I've frequently asked docs and folks to slow down and enunciate their words, just to encourage politeness to all. Interesting that your medical site prints up the reports. I've had to physically go to the xray place to pick up a printed report. Usually all is well when they don't call you quickly. If something urgent and scary was found, they call soon after the radiologist reads the film. Hope it's a boring result. Linda in Kansas

  6. It is always a pleasure to read your posts and comments. I do hope the x-ray results come soon and with good news. I am about to hope into Kanata for a safety recall. Why I chose 9AM on a winter morn is perplexing, but the weather is with me, at least.

  7. I think Medical Waiting is among the worst, whether it is in that little room or for test results. I've been waiting for a derm consult for my mother for over three months now. Ridiculous.

    Our fake Christmas tree came pre-lit with all white lights. I prefer multicoloured, but it was a compromise I had to make in order to get the shape and realism I desired. I'm used to it now. After all, there are far more serious things that require my concern.

  8. There is a lot of concern in this post, Mary, and understandably so with the uncertainty from not yet getting the X-ray results and other bloggers have already made several good suggestions and I have none to offer.

    Aging in place is a topic we have discussed when we consider owning again vs. renting as we do now. But it is so much easier this way in terms of less work, despite some drawbacks which may be a future blog topic for me.

    By the way, I agree with your daughter on the choice of lights; white are lovely but colors are better overall.

  9. It's tough, isn't it? We loathe waiting for tests. It's been great seeing them online. Our GP charged hubby for a referral today. It's rather different.


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