Saturday, 3 February 2024


 I should be cleaning the flat surfaces in my office here. It is a disaster, especially as I decided to clear some of the drawers of an accumulation of, frankly, useless junk. I was looking for a card the surgeon issued when I had my knee done. I am supposed to take an antibiotic before dental work and I could not remember the name of the [@##$$%%^&&] drug. After a long and fruitless search, during which I found a credit card that I thought was lost forever, I found it sandwiched into a card holder, one of three I was sure were empty. I must, repeat MUST, file it somewhere that I can find it again without this kind of disaster.

In fact, disasters abound, chez me. Another is a closet overfull of clothing in a lot of different sizes, some of which I am sure I will never wear again. The reason for this is that I dropped three or four clothing sizes in a hurry when I had the heart surgery. Although I quickly gained one back, I was quite happy with myself (although my GP told me to lose ten pounds) until the Covid shutdown. Between that, mobility loss from the back problems and a lot of chocolate brownies, I am now back up to my biggest clothing size. The closet badly needs emptying. I think about this, and then think about the fact that I have another surgery scheduled, and am very undecided about which clothes to pack up and give away. The smallest ones are the least used, of course. 

Another surgery. An anomaly in my lung that has been followed since 2019, or thereabouts, has finally been identified as a small, discrete cancer. Supposedly the tumour can be removed by laparoscopic surgery, with only an overnight stay in hospital. However, pretesting for this surgery is ongoing and that is why there has not been much written in here lately as the testing is at the city hospital over an hour’s drive away. We have been doing a lot of driving. The problem is that if they cannot do the surgery, or if they do and things go pear-shaped, I may be in for another long siege on the hospital food that slimmed me down last time. So, what do I keep, just in case? 

Meanwhile, the desktop is layered with Stuff. And I am accumulating a big pile of paper to be recycled as I go. I keep things. And forget what I have kept or where I put it. I just found all the back paperwork from the medical claim in our Income Tax return from 2018.  And I know there are a lot of financial records jammed in there. I print off a bank statement sheet once a month and write in any information I might need for some future query.  Who received a cheque? Who was the recipient of an E-transfer? That kind of thing escapes my memory with the velocity of light. As do numbers. I can remember what my parents’ phone number was in 1958. I cannot remember what my daughters’ numbers are now and am hard-pressed to come up with my own cell number. Why is there all this stuff in my desk when there is nothing but space in my brain?

That last description of my brain? Am I a certified airhead? Yes. Because in that space there is an earworm playing. Scarlet Ribbons for Her Hair, by Belafonte, is echoing in there, over and over. It was on the playlist in the car on our next-to-last drive to the city and it will not go away. I had hoped that there would be something on yesterday’s playlist that would overwrite it, but no. Not even the Phantom of the Opera drowned it out. (And if I infected you, please accept an abject apology). Not only on my desk does disaster lurk. The head is also overfull of mostly useless junk.


  1. Oh my! You just jogged a memory that I didn't know that I have, and I don't know why I would have it.

    he Scarlet Ribbons song, I am pretty sure I remember Juliet (Our Pet) singing on her show on Saturday night after HNIC many many years ago.

    So sorry about the impending surgery. I hope that you are not in a position to get slim on hospital food afterward.

    All the best to you, Blog sooner than later, even if it is brief.

    1. I remember Juliette singing it too, but it is the Belafonte version that is running non-stop in my head.
      Will keep you posted. As you did us and appreciated, for sure.

  2. I don't know any, but one, of my kids phone numbers. They change cell phones too frequently! I have to email them. I lost 25 pounds when I had my surgery - which had nothing to do with my stomach, haha.

    1. Yeah. Ditto. And neither did mine. My daughter blamed it on the food. She had a friend who smuggled in chocolate doughnuts. Love them.

  3. I'm so sorry you're facing another surgery. I hope it is, indeed, a brief and successful one.

    Maybe stop printing off and saving all those statements since they are immediately available online. It will be okay.

    I remember my childhood phone number and the number of a childhood friend. I have zero knowledge of my sons' phone numbers, and I often stumble when asked my own (which has not changed in decades now). Such is Life now, assisted by Smart(er)phones.

    1. So far testing is positive. Tomorrow is a marathon without coffee. WHINE. I am writing JG's cell number in indelible ink on my hand for tomorrow so that I can find him. If he is not in the coffee shop, that is where I am stopping. No coffee for a whole day and a half. double whine.

  4. I’m with you about the phone numbers. I remember my parents’ number from fifty years ago but couldn’t tell you my cell number if my life depended on it.

    I hope the preparatory testing is over soon and you can have that surgery you need.

    Take care, my friend!

    1. Thanks! I can only remember part of my cell number. Long story, will blog it sometime as it is really funny. Now.

  5. It is comforting to know that I am not alone on the phone thing. See the comments above. I have just written JG's cellphone number down in two places but may end up writing it on my hand since I can't carry my phone during the (aggraviating and coffeeless) tests tomorrow.

  6. Mary, I hope all goes well with the impending surgery and that you will not have to remain for a longer than a day stay. I can identify with the various sizes of clothing being kept as it's the same here. The only "issue" in getting rid of smaller sized clothing is that it was definitely better made than what can be bought as a replacement now. There is always the hope to lose some weight and be able to wear them again vs. gaining weight. I would hold onto them a bit longer provided you do not need the space. However, I would ditch as much of the unneeded paperwork as possible and have been doing that here. Luckily, I can remember both our cell numbers and the res. number and also my childhood home phone no...everyone else is in the contacts list on my phone.

  7. For some reason, Bea, 'reply' is not working. Yes, my older sweaters and such are definitely better quality and design, even. I put one on the other day (it still fits, sort of) that I have a photo of from 1992. yeah.
    I want closet space easy to access. That means a purge. Also, filing space. Purging here is an adventure, for sure.
    I have the numbers on my phone, but I might lose the phone, eh?

  8. I know all about clutter. And that's not MY desk, but my spouse. However, I do keep some silly things... like plastic food containers and I need to stop.
    By the way, I remember that song and had to listen to it. I think your earworm transferred to me. LOL

    1. I knew that earworm might be contagious. My husband collects plastic food containers. And everything else. When he decides to downsize something, he looks at MY stuff. Yeah.

  9. AND... I so sorry for all the medical difficulties you're having to battle through.


Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...