I think the term is MIA. That is what I have been for the last week or two, more or less. Medical stuff. I will spare you.
My essay for today. My YD is home from Europe for good. Her
household effects there have been packaged and are in transit, her house here
in Canada is being renovated and repaired and we have her here with us until
the effects and the newly refurbished housing for the same are reunited. I have
not looked into her bedroom but she arrived here with quite a bit of luggage and
I am glad it is a big room with a table and extra storage. The cats are being
boarded by a friend and so we do not have to deal with feline moving trauma. I am a happy mother. Plus, she brought me a
huge box of Belgian chocolates.
And it gets even better. On Sunday we are packing up
(minimally except for food) and absconding to a cottage for five days. YD, me
and the Scrabble board, although I hope to see both family and friends while we
are there. If it is sunny, we have a beach. If it rains, we have the Scrabble
board and the chocolate. Who could, as the saying goes, ‘ask for anything more?’.
Unfortunately, I will have to take my oxygen stuff along. And
my Rollator. I am quite pleased about the latter, in truth. I hate the idea of
being the little old lady who needed a walker. But … I AM a cranky old lady who
needs support to walk any distance. Any distance, where we live, is on gravel.
The laneway to the mailbox, for instance. And so I decided I needed something
to support me that I could use outside. Something bigger than the normal wheels
on a walker for a start; very light and foldable of necessity. An internet
search found me this thing called a Rollator. As shown.
Eh. That is until we get to what I am wearing. I am (very
slowly) purging my closet of garments that either do not (and never will) fit
or that I do not need. Do I need four dressing gowns? A whole drawer of heavy socks
that I don’t use or even like? Sweatshirts bought online that don’t fit the way
I wanted them to? A dress-up outfit in size 12? Our reuse centre is called the
Highlands Food Pantry and they run a recycling store where they sell good
donated items to raise money for a food bank, the Food Pantry, in our local
village. I now I have the YD to lug the bags of stuff into their sorting and
staging area that, since it is up a steep flight of stairs, I do not go.
Goodness, this post is first person on steroids. Tsk. In a
last comment in this vein, I am typing this in at supper time as a super supper
is being prepared by the YD without my having to have planned it, bought it or
cooked it. Luxury. Bliss.