Wednesday, 22 January 2025

The Rend of an Idea


On Sunday night I did something that I had not done in a long time. I had a full-out, tight-chested, fist-clenching panic attack. The reason, the need to make the decision not to go on a vacation to the Florida Keys, a trip that my daughter and I have been researching and planning for since last summer. Why quit, three days before departure time? Pain, pure and simple.

 Just before Christmas I pulled something in my right arm and was provisionally diagnosed with what my doctor called ‘frozen shoulder’. On Tuesday of last week I did something else to the wretched joint, or my neck or something, and have been, off and on, in severe pain ever since. More on than off. I have been snatching naps in a chair (which is lousy for the neck positioning), going to sleep at odd times if the pain eases up, and generally doing no good.

It became clear that sitting in a car between here and Montreal, then sitting in a plane between Montreal and Miami, then sitting in a car between Miami and Key West, was not going to be workable. Any jolt to the arm sent a zap of pain akin to an electric shock across the shoulder and down the arm. And while I could get some relief by wedging the arm between the arm of my chair and my hip, doing anything constructive while in this position was, let us say, a problem. Getting to our cabin by the sea was not on and doing anything while AT the cabin looked just as impossible. Sit by the sea and not go swimming? Be in the Florida Keys and not explore? Be in Key West and not stroll the town? What was the point.

Some few deep breathing spells and nose-blowing ensued as I discussed this with JG. The next day I had to break it to my patient and loving daughter, who was wonderful about everything and has set about undoing all our reservations, tickets and plans. I am going to need a doctor’s certificate and I have an appointment to see my doctor tomorrow. Will report. I hope she is onside since if she is not we are out a pile of money. In American funds. That we paid at a lower exchange rate than is now extant. One more strike against Mr Trump and his hangers-on.

(Adding ... Doctor approved letter now emailed to daughter. Doctor agreed with trip cancellation but had no advice about the shoulder.)

Speaking of which, I have decided to stop reading American news. Just. Cannot. Believe. The. Nonsense. I am looking out some old detective stories and going through books that I think should be donated, but need a rereading first. Perhaps our neighbours will want that pile of newspapers that JG has read piled up in the living room. Perhaps I will play lots of online Scrabble. And nap, as the neck allows. And quit this, as the shoulder and arm demand.


  1. Hope you get some answers to the shoulder and some pain relief. Bummer. Maybe the doc can give an injection or something to help continue on the trip? "Frozen shoulder" isn't something to not follow through with treatment or solutions. Linda in Kansas

    1. No, trip is not happening. Happily, though, my physiotherapist has managed to reduce the shoulder pain a lot. My doctor just sort of shrugs and says I have a lot of spinal damage, so can expect this sort of thing. Not helpful.

  2. With my discomfort in sleeping and needing to sometimes roam at night plus hobbling around outside with a cane, I am staying close to home. Ig only technology could beam your there a la Star Trek.

    1. Oh, AC, I wish. Would that not be a fine thing to have! I hear you about the night time thing as well. If I sleep through, I am so stiff in the morning that I almost wish I hadn't.

  3. It had to be a huge disappointment not to be able to go on your trip with your daughter. I hope you heal quickly!

    1. Yes. We had been planning since last summer and had great locations booked. Ah well. We had the fun of the planning at least.

  4. I'm so sorry, my dear friend. This is how my adhesive capsulitis went; first, it seemed manageable, then it became a hellacious and painful thing that I simply had to wait out. The pain you are describing is so very familiar. I, too, had to cancel a trip because of it. It's a vicious condition. I'm sending all my love to you. XXOO

    1. It is, indeed. My doctor just sort of shrugged and said that with my spinal degeneration, I should expect this sort of thing. No cure. I report that my physio girl (or so she seems to me) has reduced the pain to a manageable level. But no Florida. I trust you noticed that it is a map of Florida that my avatar is sadly ripping. Composite drawing, and I was pleased with it.

    2. Just edited it. The little errors were bugging me. She has now lost the earring and the teeth and is the right size.

  5. I feel your pain Mary. I've been dealing with a lingering bout of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue that has me doing not much more than eat and sleep. My poor dog is not happy about it either. I don't have a dr so not getting any help, as if there is any. My cousin and I talked at length of a trip to our Scottish motherland. Then covid erupted. Once it passed neither of us were fit to travel.

  6. Oh how sad to have to cancel your trip! But a wise decision. I do hope you can get some relief, and soon. It sounds like a pinched nerve but what do I know.
    I have tuned out on the news a good bit. Just can't stand his voice, and the fury at his actions is just not good for me. So I focus on home and small pleasures. And stocked up on coffee.


Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...