Monday 30 July 2007

My bags are packed, I'm ready to go...

I'm off tomorrow to join the elder daughter and family, and spend three weeks child minding while they work. In a glorious and remote location with beaches. Whee. I am told I will have access to a computer some of the time and so I will be able to keep up with you all, I hope. That is, I am going if I can explain to the baggage checkers at the airport why I have a suitcase full of marbles, beads, paints, a pint sized plush bear that growls, a nylon tent fly with rope, very few clothes and 12 paperback novels.
You think they'll let me fly?


  1. they'll let you soar! have a blast, mary.

  2. Have a wonderful trip Mary!

  3. sounds kinda kinky... have a great time!

  4. The kind folks at Air Canada did not take away my toys. I have now had not only the regular flight, but also a flight across Vancouver Island in a Cessna at about 850'. Once in a lifetime! I am about to look at the pics and, hopefully, find one good enough to post.


On a High

Many years ago now, when I was young(er) and strong and agile, I took a solo trip to England. It was early summer, and I had spent the fall ...