Tuesday 8 January 2008

Wordless Wednesday

11:30 am

2:00 pm

This post was inspired by Mad's cleaning reports.


  1. Is that a home office or a office office????? YOWSA!

    Nice Wordless Wednesday photo! Come check out My Weight Watchers Diet!


  2. Very impressive. It does remind me, though, that I still have half a house to clean. Sigh.

  3. I really do love bringing order to chaos- especially at the beginning of a new year. Nice work!

  4. Oh will you please come to my house, Please.

    It is away from me. I am officially overwhelmed. It was having the husband and kids home for over two weeks.

    They are...junkers, as much as I love them, they are.


On a High

Many years ago now, when I was young(er) and strong and agile, I took a solo trip to England. It was early summer, and I had spent the fall ...