Saturday 31 October 2009

Happy Hallowe'en!


  1. Slouchy, made out of a set of old curtains and a ruined sheet, plus iron on white and black dots. That's the ED, circa 1972. I was always proud of this one.

  2. what a cute costume, I'm admiring your creativity. The ED looks adorable. Happy Halloween to you. Yes, those were my 5 kids faces plugged into the jib jab, monster mash.

  3. costume from found materials and imagination. As it should be!

  4. that is an AMAZING costume! is it still around, for the little one to wear?

  5. What a nice old timey clown costume.

  6. Awww..he reminds me of my brother when he was really young. Gotta love that ginger hair:)


On a High

Many years ago now, when I was young(er) and strong and agile, I took a solo trip to England. It was early summer, and I had spent the fall ...