Sunday, 20 September 2009

Monday Mission; no, of course we aren't lost.

Oh joy, a buoy!

The Tay River and Canal goes from Perth, Ontario to Lower Rideau Lake on the Rideau Canal system. In the mooring basin in downtown Perth, a triple fountain plays to delight the tourists (and annoy closeby residents). You can put a boat into the river at Perth and follow the river and canal down to the lake as it is marked with navigation buoys. In places.


  1. I miss the Rideau Canal the most out of all the things from the Ottawa area.We only lived in the area for 3yrs.

  2. looks like a great place to get lost! thanks for playing! finally got mine up, and linked to yours!

  3. what a beautiful waterway to take a ride on. I'm glad you found your way and weren't really lost. You're right it is 180* from my little wandering.

  4. Thanks for taking me on this waterway trip. The scenery was lovely. I felt I was really travelling on that boat!
    Was lovely to see you over at my place.

  5. What a lovely outing and great photos! Was this yesterday? Wasn't the weather incredible?

  6. These pictures are so beautiful... I want to see this with my own eyes!


Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...