Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Quick melt.

These  shots are all from the 'trail camera' we have rigged at the deer feeding station. Take a look at how the snow retreats from the first shot on March 14th to the latest taken this morning.

 I was coming back from a meeting in the village late this afternoon when I looked across one of the marshy areas along the road and spotted these Tundra swans. They were a good way off - this shot is the extreme of the telephoto on my Coolpix P7000. Since I take all my photos at high resolution, I was able to crop the shot to give you a better look at them. You can tell a Tundra swan from a snow goose by the black beak.
Unfortunately you cannot do this identification when the birds are directly over your head, so I guess I will never know which type of bird were the four that glided across the trail just above me the other day, heading for, I guess, our neighbour's beaver pond. My impression was simply that they are really big birds.

I now have over a dozen croci and squilla out in the border and the heat wave (thanks, Texas, I guess) is predicted to continue until the weekend. At supper JG counted six or seven mosquitoes on the screen next to where he sits, staring in at him.

Ah, spring.


  1. The pace has been incredible, especially when you factor that a lot of snow melted from the 12th to the 14th. I had dug a bit of a snow fort for the kids. It was there on the 12th and was gone on the 14th. I guess today set a March record for Ottawa.

  2. wow, it would be great to see wild things around like you do. thanks for sharing.


Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...