Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Entre Act

Or something like that.

Since Thursday I have been the somewhat frazzled caregiver for: granddaughter, age nine, broken finger in cast that needs redoing daily; large white dog with grief issues and too much hair; small thin cat with voice like chalk on a blackboard and frequent need for food; and somewhat sleepless husband trying to keep cat off couch and dog occupied while simultaneously listening to granddaughter talk to him.

This afternoon I dropped granddaughter at her gymnastics club to go with her class to see the Canadian Olympic trials, dropped dog at the YD's house shortly before she was due back from her latest trip, came to the granddaughter's house and fed and watered cat, guinea pig and tortoise.
The house is now silent and perfectly peaceful, the background noises of peaceful munching only adding to the perfect bliss of ........  six hours off.


  1. Oh, ha ha. Try to keep the cat off the couch.

    I am coming to Beautiful Canada in a little over a week and cannot wait. Time for theatre, restocking the reds, and this time, a little side-visit to Toronto, perhaps. (Don't make me come over there and check on you!)

  2. ahhh . . . the sounds of silence :)

  3. I love that peaceful munching sound.
    In our house it is the sound of contented bunnies munching their pellets in the morning.
    Well worth all the hassle of anything that goes on prior to that.

    You sound busy! Hope the finger gets mended fast.
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May


Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...