Thursday, 20 March 2014

Old dog, no new tricks

I have just discovered that Blogger has deleted, or lost, all of the blogs that I followed from my Dashboard page. I do not know when, why or how this happened, but if you run one of the blogs I follow, this is the explanation for why I have not been to read you lately. Every time one of my apps upgrades, here or on my iPad, it takes me a long, long time to figure out what has happened and what the work-arounds are. I hope that younger folk who have grown up with social media figure the stuff out faster and better. Unfortunately I do not have a resident guru, and have to depend on my BIL by email to keep me informed, at least partially. I recall one of my favourite bloggers complaining about something like this a while back, but since my list seemed intact, I did not pay enough attention. Nor did I bookmark in the ordinary way.

I will figure out how to get you all back again. Somehow. In the meantime, I can still access those of you who cross post to Facebook. Even though I do not understand the latest upgrades there either. This is life in the slow lane, no kidding.

Speaking of lanes. Ours is glare ice as we had rain last night and a miserly degree or so above freezing. I went out to get JG's truck from the garage to the house so that he would not have to wear spikes on his boots to get to it and after I backed it out took about six tries to back it over in front of the house porch. In 4 wheel drive. Wheels were just going whrrrr on the ice and going nowhere. We are supposed to get some snow later today and after that I guess we will have to cover the ice with grit until we get good melting weather. (Theoretically this will happen, but I am finding it hard to imagine.)

And happy Spring to you, too.


  1. Ugh. I'm sorry about all the continued ice. Blech.

    And I'm having trouble keeping tabs on the blogs I read, too. I have been trying using the built-in reader, but I'm not convinced that it always works as well as advertised for blogs. I seem to have missed many posts lately. This is also in part to me not checking in as regularly as I did when I had different feed reader set-ups. I clearly need to figure out a better solution.

  2. Feedly is a good feed reader, if you feel like trying something different.

  3. google discontinued their reader a while back, that's why you can't find it. I use feedly too. You have to visit the blog you want to read, copy its URL and add it to feedly. The road looks nasty!

  4. I also use Feedly.

    So far, spring is looking an awful lot like winter. :)

  5. Sigh. Ever since Google took over Blogger, there have been continual problems. I don't understand. Maybe you might want to look at another host for your blog. I'm fighting that option myself because my archives are so huge, too, but I haven't had the same problems you've had.

    Upgrading your feed reader is different. I don't subscribe to blogs; I just zip around and read them via my bookmarks. It's not efficient, but I don't mind it.

    Your ice is impressive. Please do what you can to keep Winter Weather up there. We're might tired of it down here.

  6. The ice will get well covered today. I am not sure if this is a good thing.

  7. Oh, that ice looks treacherous.
    Hope you get the side bar figured soon.
    Sorry, I don't do face book!
    Maggie x

    Nuts in May

  8. I think Blogger's making mistakes lately!
    Maggie x

    Nuts in May

  9. Not that this has anything to do with your post, but did you see that I followed through with your suggestion for a pants post?

    (I hope your ice has a chance to melt by now!)


Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...