Sunday, 27 December 2020

Just Desserts

 Reporting on Christmas Day, we gambled and had the immediate family here - JG's brother, who lives solo, and the ED and family, for a total of six people. At our local store, one can order a fresh turkey, and JG put in our order for a small bird earlier in December. When I picked it up, I thought it felt a bit heavy but, hey, it was the Day Before Christmas Eve, I had a list of stops, and I just grabbed it, paid and ran. Leaving the tag with the weight behind. When we did get around to weighing it, on Christmas morning, we had eighteen pounds of bird. Delicious bird, sections of which have returned to the city with the ED's family and to Brother's home as well.

There was, um, lots of food. There was even more dessert, the tastes of the attendees being various. To make everyone happy, pumpkin, pumpkin mincemeat and apple are required. There used to be Christmas pudding, with sauce, as well, but that got left out this year. I made the three pies, the grandchild and her father produced an eye-popping bouche and there were enough cookies and chocolates removed from stockings to stock a candy shop, and I am vaguely considering opening one. We certainly have enough sugary treats stocked to last through our newest lock-down.

 Please note that the apple pie did NOT run over. This may be a first in fifty plus years of Christmas baking. 


  1. My goodness! You put a lot of effort into cooking and baking. I am very impressed.

  2. Goodness! What a feast! I'd have concentrated solely on the bouche; apple and pumpkins are pies I don't care for.

    There are no small turkeys, I've found. I look for one every year, and the smallest I've ever found was over thirteen pounds. I considered myself victorious that day.

    1. I agree. Although I suspect a really small bird would not cook as well. The best job I ever did was on a huge bird, almost 30 pounds, that my SIL brought as their family's contribution. Oh, my aching back. And we ate rather late that year.
      I have two family members who are apple addicts, and one pumpkin lover. No one likes Christmas pudding but me. But the bouche was a triumph, truly.


Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...