Wednesday, 24 March 2021


 We made the one hour drive to Smiths Falls to our designated vaccine centre and JG got his first dose, he being in the over 80 cohort. Except for having to make the drive, it went smoothly and he was in, shot, did his wait and was out in a little over half an hour. He said he had to give his name a lot of times, but that the operation seemed to be running well.

I got registered for my first shot - same location - also very smoothly. Went on line at 8:05 am on the first day I was eligible, lied and said I was 80+ as required (no one seems to have changed that piece), was put into a queue and watched a little running man for about 20 minutes or so, was put onto the site, entered my data, got a date and printed the receipt, all in time for breakfast before 9:00 am. Except for the lack of clarity in the eligibility section, it was easy and faster than I had expected. In fact, what I did expect was an endless circle on my screen while I sat on hold, hungry, for most of the morning. So the running man was a nice surprise and the fact that he did run, even nicer.

And so ... on my date, which is April 10th, we will spend another three hours trekking to Smiths Falls. However, we got a lunch out over it. Could be a lot worse.


  1. Let’s hope life opens up a bit for all of us soon.

    1. We need direction on what vaccination actually protects us from and what changes, if any, we can make in protocols. It looks, for example, as if our 17 yr old grandkid may get a dose oF Moderna, as she is working in a restaurant after school.

  2. Progress. Still waiting here. I expect we will wait until May for the shot once scheduling is opened for the 70-74 cohort.

    1. Maybe sooner. My cohort was only due to start on April 15th, and in fact we started Monday. Hopefully you guys will move up a similar step. I guess it all depends on the success at the government level of getting the vaccines into the country. I do not begrudge one taxpayer dollar spent on building Canada a facility of its own.

  3. I'm glad you're getting your vax at long last. Ohio is opening up its shots to everyone 16 and older as of 29 March. Hooray! Let's just hope people are smart enough to get it.

  4. Indeed. We seem to have a hesitancy, or worse, in 40% of Long Term Care workers. That just sucks. How can anyone involved in health care, especially at that type, not want to get vaccinated. I just do not understand. The good news is that the grandkid may get the Moderna vaccine as she is working in a restaurant after school at present and serving the public. They have just put such workers on the list as of yesterday. It would be really nice to be able to hug her as she has just been accepted for her preferred University program with quite a nice scholarship as gravy.


Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...