Sunday, 31 October 2021

Soggy Sunday


Most of our leaves are down – fall for certain. And today is chill, dark and rainy. With almost all the colour gone, the yard and field look dreary. Only the rock garden shows blocks of rust and red, the seed heads of the sedum flowers mostly. Deer and turkeys are wandering through at intervals and I missed, through sleeping in, a fine turkey battle yesterday morning, I am informed, when two groups of large and territorial males met while heading for the feeding rock. I did hear, though, a few faint swearwords in turkey-speak from the woods later on.

I could add a few choice swearwords in me-speak, were I so inclined. And I guess I am. My least favourite time of year is now here. And all the ills the flesh is heir to, not to mention the bones, seem to have descended on the family. JG is creaking and his head won’t swivel, he says. My back is swearing at me, let me do something so simple as make the bed. We have a serious, serious illness in the extended family. Luckily the next two generations down seem to be holding up. So far, anyway. What with the weather, a real mood changer for me, can tragic drama be far away?

Enter ten turkeys, gobbling.

JG lured me into reading Conrad Black’s column in the Post yesterday. I am still annoyed. In his usual bombastic manner, Black animadverts on how he has to uphold Canadian politics when among his, no doubt superior, British acquaintance. I feel like sending him a quick message begging him not to admit to being Canadian at all. If we could disown the man, I would be very pleased. Even if he is, for once, right about something, that something being the fact that the flags should be back up for November 11th. I suspect Trudeau junior has got himself mired into this awkward apology with the flags and has no idea how to get out of it. It can’t snow soon enough for him to take a walk in it.*

Not that I can see a good choice of leader coming along behind him. Too many lightweights. Too many inexperienced ministers; I guess to get the sex and region mix right, they had to make other compromises. And booting Garneau was Just Plain Dumb.

Yeah, it’s almost November and I am just as dank and cranky as the weather and the turkeys. Also, I was convinced we stopped Daylight Savings Time this weekend and we don’t. Next Saturday. Duh.

I have just ordered a winter coat, sight unseen, on line. My friend and I had planned a trip into the city to the bright lights and coats for sale, but she got nailed with medical appointments and it is my busy week of the month anyway and we had to cancel. Sniff. At least we can now go to a coffee shop and, mirable dictu, sit down, take off our masks and gossip happily over our steaming cups. Thank you, Health Unit! Now, about those booster shots? Hello, provincial government, are you there? I think I hear the turkeys. Squabbling.

*American Friends. About the walk in the snow

The rock garden. From the deck.

The white thing? Not an attenuated ghost. JG's weather station - bolted into the rock. Why the colour values turned out so different in these photos is beyond me. The Nikon with a mind of its own, I guess. The real colour is closer to the first photo than to the second.


  1. Conrad Black, I wouldn't read. I have but not any more. You keep up with politics better than I.

    A friend and I visited The [Car] Boneyard near Cardinal. That gave me some photo ops, but we're into bleak November. The Bleak Midwinter has nothing on November, whatever the song may say.

    At least you have dear and turkeys and maybe a winter coat -- fingers crossed. You never know with online ordering, but Sue was happy with the winter boots that arrived this week. Of course, with the price and from Merrell, they should be good.

    1. I decided to stop reading him, but got lured into that article. I saw your first run at the trucks, and am anticipating more with pleasure.
      Will report on coat. So glad Sue scored with the boots, as that is even harder.

  2. I realized with considerable shock this morning while making coffee that it was November. October was one long rainy day here. November and I have yet to get along after all these years and attempts.

    I've had mixed success with ordering any sort of clothing online; it often takes several tries and returns. Good luck with your coat.

    Your politics cannot be any more nefarious and terrible to follow than ours. That is impossible. I'm off to early-vote for our local stuff this AM. Then I am treating myself to a bit of shoe shopping on principle.

  3. Conrad Black is not my favourite and I wouldn’t read him. I agree with you about the flags too. Maybe if Trudeau hadn’t gone to Torino on the first Reconciliation Day the flags could have been raised on November 1st, in time for Remembrance Day. I don’t see anyone of substance waiting in the wings either.

    Take care!


Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...