Sunday, 14 November 2021

Random ramblings


My last post was all about November gloom, and it appears that my cactus heard me whining and decided to help out. “Why bloom at Christmas,” it thought to itself, “when the whole house is covered in bright red decorations and glitter?” “I will cheer the silly woman up,” it crowed, ‘and bloom now!” And it did.

 With the orchid that some friends gave me also doing its best to disperse the greys of November, I have a fine and mood-lifting bunch of flowers here.

 (Although MY husband did not supply me with roses as someone’s did (Sue, wow!)).

 We have not had any snow yet, either, and the grass in the field is still green. All the leaves, almost, are down and mulched up by my obsessive and hard-driving husband. The shadows cast by the low November sun make beautiful patterns on the grass. Note the one stubborn maple still hanging onto it leaves. 

 And the poor old oak has shed and is standing there stark and stubborn. I do hope the [censored] caterpillars stay away next year and give it a chance.

I bought Christmas cards this week. Whether I will actually get out a pen and The List and write them is another matter. Somehow the long, sleepy days of November become the short and even shorter hectic days of December without me noticing. I do have a few early Christmas things to do, besides looking at the pile of cards (Now where IS the dratted list?). I have to negotiate with the ED as to whom (Note the proper usage there. I hope you are impressed. Unless you are Nancy and then you just expect the ‘m’.) is cooking the Yule Bird. I have to think about (whimper) Christmas gifts for all and sundry. (Although sundry may not get anything if he does not keep telling me he wants towels. Towels, for goodness sake!) JG and I have to sort out the pile of demands and decide how to allocate the Christmas donations. And, I guess we are having a tree, as JG has already located it. (Note YD. Get home here early enough to get on the ladder and put up the lights.) And I have to dig out the wrapping paper.

 It is a good thing that the cheerful cactus is doing its thing.

 I note that the US English setting on my keyboard will not allow ‘gray’. It underlines it in red and stares at me until I change to ‘grey’. I prefer the UK English keyboard for spelling, but it will not, stubborn thing that it is, put the quotation marks in the proper place for my brain – and where my keyboard, unashamedly American, has them marked. Double quotation marks on the UK keyboard are exchanged with @. Among other annoyances. I would show you the pattern, except I figure Blogger would not let me.

 Is Wordpress better behaved, she wondered in passing.

 Now I have to quit this and go and make dressing for the Sunday bird. A Chicken. Not, please note, a turkey.


  1. Roast chicken. Yummy! One of my favourite meals. That cactus is a highlight of the season!

  2. I get my spelling heighted so often that I doubt myself all of the time. I've given up on some things like grey and gray. I have no clue any more. Well, it is no longer snow-less and beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Don't give me too much credit for the roses as I got a reminder from the Rotary. Otherwise I never would have thought of them. I do buy flowers at the grocery store from time to time. Oh, I got a dozen roses for Shauna too. Thing is, modern roses have no fragrance. 😒

  3. Just turn off all the autocorrect stuff and trust yourself. That's what I do. And proofread before you hit Publish.

    And do NOT move to WordPress. That platform is horrid. Trust me.

    Your cactus is glorious. Mine, when I still had it, used to bloom about this time as well, since I would have let it enjoy spring and summer outdoors on the patio and bring it in sometime around the end of September or early October.

    We had our first measurable snowfall yesterday. Rick and I were just returning from a getaway in southern Maryland, so we were not thrilled with such a homecoming gift. Ugh. It's all melted this morning, thank heavens.

    I just realized I should take my turkey out of the freezer today and set it to thaw in the basement fridge. How ridiculous. I cannot keep up. You're doing vastly better than I am, dear friend. Enjoy your head start and your flowers.

    1. We had our first snow today. The cactus looked gruntled. It was out on the screened porch all summer, so yes, I think that sets them up to be outside.
      I was driving back from town and had a few miles of no visibility worth mentioning, so sympathy oozing from here.
      Thanks for the note on Wordpress. I am registered in it but have never followed up.
      Happy turkey day to you and yours.
      Some days are better than others for proofreading. And to think that I used once to do it for money.

    2. I set up a Just In Case blog over at WordPress a couple of years ago. The post editor is horrid. It's all done in blocks, and it is terrible to try and get the hang of it. As soon as I figured it out a tiny bit, they changed again. Blogger is simple and intuitive.

    3. I did that - set up a blog. Have not been back, except to comment on other people.


Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...