Wednesday, 31 August 2022

More about Books - and Other Stuff


I have been overdosing on books, lately. Rereading old favourites that I have picked up on my Kindle. Paging through others that I read quickly for the plot. I do that – read at my full speed, which is fast, scanning for the action, running my eye past description and detail. Then, when I reread, it is almost as if I have a new book, but one I can put down, if I must, since I know what is going to happen. If there is anything worse, for a reader, than to have to put down a book right at the suspense point, or the denouement, it is hard to imagine. And, if you are a wife and mother and there are meals to get, children to move around and manage, a husband ditto, interruptions at the best part of the book happen all too often Rereading in tranquility, with time to savour the book as a whole, is precious.

 I am about to start a re-read for yet another reason. The ED tells me that there is a book we have not read available in a series by an author that we both love, Guy Gavriel Kay. She HAS the book, in fact, and was planning on finishing it while here so that she could pass it to me. But she went off for a hike instead and did not get it finished. A Good Thing. I now have time to fish up the first two volumes and re-read so that I am current to start hers when she passes it on the next time we are together. Not that she would have had much reading time this weekend, as she and partner moved the daughter into her apartment ready to start her second year at university. Move around and manage time does not stop just because they are grown up. In fact, the YD is about to land home and have a scant few weeks to reorganize her life and get off to a new job in a new city in a new country. I think I get the cats to manage. Luckily, cats mostly let you read, although they do not encourage knitting.


Well, most cats let you hold a book. Whether you can use your computer without serious bribery is another kettle of, as they say, catfish. I have a blogging friend whose cat, immortalized in Caturday posts once a week or so, demands things like hand feeding. The YD’s cat resents my iPad. I suspect she thinks my fingers would be far better employed in ear scratches and turning the key on the can opener. However, if you want a cat with personality, Miss G’s elderly sort-of-Siamese is a study. She loves her arthritis medication and slurps it off the eyedropper. Amazing.

 Arthritis medication. Ah yes. I spent a strange half hour on Tuesday having painkillers injected into my neck, shoulders, upper back and left leg. This, I am urged to believe, is a mitigation for my lower back pain. Pain is referred, you see. Numbing the neck will help the back. We shall see. The shots are taking place at a ‘pain clinic’ to which I was referred by a sports medicine doctor to whom I had been referred by a surgeon that my family doctor booked me to see and who (the second one) pronounced my back problem inoperable. So, referrals got me there and we will see if the referred pain locations chosen by the Expert (who is, in fact, an MD) actually work. I was urged to try acupuncture in my ear lobes, also as pain relief. After the puncture, a seed is pasted to the hole left by the needle and the patient then presses the seed into the hole at intervals. Are you still with me?

 That was Tuesday. Today is Wednesday and I have to say that the walking today was easier and I was in less pain overall. Not NO pain. But better. I may have to apologise, if only in my mind, to the doctor who chose the spots to inject. I will have to see how long this effect lasts and if I can get some muscle tone back while exercising and walking are a little more possible. Well, no one promised me that old age was fun.

 And speaking of fun. The shameful, hide from your friends and family kind. I have downloaded a modern version of Lemmings onto my iPad and am playing with it a bit. Well, if honesty serves, I have gone up seven levels and won two eggs. Lemmings is a game in which a line of small idiotic figures

is launched into a maze with traps and it is the player’s job to get them through the traps to a glowing door into which they vanish, crowing with triumph. Or they all go ‘bang’ and die, wailing. I found this game way back when – mid 1990’s I think – and I loved it. It is the only ‘game’ game I have ever played although I play chess and cards with the computer from time to time. I played it obsessively and got all the way to the end of the very top level. Total win. It disappeared, and I sort of forgot about it, and although I did troll through cyberspace from time to time looking for it, I never found a newer version that would load and play the way I remembered. Until last week. It is beautifully crafted. It is also full of updates that you can buy. Of course. And cheapie me will probably resist. But it is as much fun as the old one. And famous. I had no idea. (The link is to a really comprehensive Wikipedia article.)

 The really funny thing is that I played the old one a lot when I was really hampered by a pinched sciatic nerve that prevented me doing much walking. Luckily enough, nothing so far prevents me from reading, thank you, modern medicine’s cataract replacement miracle.



  1. About cats and reading: most of mine unerringly would put a paw over the words as I read them, before easing over to sleep on the page, on book or Kindle. They too, though, would help with knitting and spinning and weaving, anything involving intriguing thread moving.

    1. What is that! And when you want them, no cat to be found.

  2. Sorry about the pain. Is it the Fionivar Tapestry GGK) that you are going to read? It’s a good series IMO. I am less taken with his other historical fantasy stuff. I did like a few of them but have completely lost touch. I guess it was the Sarantium novels that bogged me down, and I haven’t been back to GGK since.

    Ah yes, speeding through descriptions. I do that, particularly when I am racing a bit to finish before I turn into a pumpkin. This is one reason that I sometimes like an audio book. I just sit back and enjoy the narration. It probably wouldn’t bother your kitty either. 😀

    Have a good Labour Day weekend.

    1. I struggled a bit with the Sarantium books too, but realized I had to slow down and concentrate to get the nuance. The series my daughter is reading is the latest one - not sure what it is about but I will report. I have never tried audio books, but I should.
      It will be peaceful - my ESL people are stuck in quarantine so everything is delayed.

  3. I'm so sorry about your back pain. Ugh. Who needs that? I hope you make sure to use your iPad at eye level so as not to exacerbate your neck/back inflammation. Same with knitting, if you can.

    My huge orange cat, Piper, climbs onto me whenever I sit down. He interferes with my knitting, crossword puzzling, computer time--everything. And I am constantly covered in his hair. I am keeping the lint roller people in business. Marlowe, the longhair, is not so needy, but she is vocal and drives me batty.

    I used to play an arcade-type shooting game until it was no longer compatible with my version of Windows. I spent way too much time on it, but it was incredibly fun. Small joys--nothing wrong with that.

    1. Part of my problem is forgetting to use proper posture. You are so right. I just made myself stop playing Lemmings - small joys in small quantities or the laundry will not happen. Hmm. Lint roller. I guess I should get one when I get the new kitty litter box as I am expecting grandcats in October.

  4. Sciatic nerve problems are excruciating. Yay for cataract surgery too. I hope the painkillers help your back. Yay for good books too!


Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...