Friday, 9 December 2022


I have just spent a somewhat fraught (because I inevitably forget, from time to time, the how-tos), but enjoyable half-hour, refreshing the look and header of my blog. Not that I write in it a lot, nor have for some years. There are people (you know who you are!) who post every day in November. There are people, in fact, whom I read with enjoyment, who post almost every dern day of the year. I don’t and can’t and never have, even when there were lots of memes and games to fill in the days when the brain went dead or there was literally (hah!) nothing to say.

 I don’t have much to say today, in fact. Except that we spent a lot of money, for us, during a trip to the city and that when we got home, the credit card that we had used to pay for it all was, somehow, borqued. It took my poor suffering JG a long time on the phone to sort things out. But he did. Sort it all out. And the ‘stuff’ we paid for will stay paid for. Stuff? Tsk. But … but, but, but  - Christmas stuff. It is all, in fact, useful stuff. One purchase was of a new mattress and, oh my, do we need that. The present one has a slight resemblance to an egg poacher. The rest was Christmas gifts. Can’t help it. Santa’s most faithful elf gets the urge every December. And what we purchased was practical stuff that is wanted (we checked) and will be used.

 We also Went Out For Lunch (Okay, so I am out to lunch most days. Will you stop that!). To a restaurant with music and a menu and a very plain waitress, according to the elf, who was drinking water, honest. I know it is not post-Covid yet, and that the flu is all around us, yeah. We ate out anyway. It was really lovely to put my feet under someone else’s table and have a menu with choices. I have spent far too much time with the can opener, frying pan and oven over the last few years. Even if JG keeps restocking the kitchen with yet more complex and modern appliances.

 I get the Air Fryer. It reduces calories, reduces power usage, keeps the kitchen cooler. I get the microwave, and have had a simple one for many years, again reducing cooking time, power usage overall, and making leftovers palatable. The all-singing, all-dancing item now reclining on my kitchen counter is not simple. I have learned to live with, cook with and even appreciate the induction burners on my cookstove. JG does the cooking with the sous vide appliance, even if it was a gift he gave me, and the Instant Pressure Cooker (Instapot?) does a fine job, fast. No, I would not go back to my grandmother’s coal stove. But at some point, the learning curve is going to become so steep that I will probably backslide and go thump.

 I have been making on line purchases for Christmas as well. Practical and, um, Very Impractical. Plus, I just bought myself, untouched and untested, a bra on line. I may or may not report on that, depending. Mostly, I buy practical underthings at Marks or Giant Tiger. This purchase is a real gamble. As are many on line purchases. And if it is really true that returned items are discarded, I am glad that I do not return. Garments that I buy on line (thanks to Covid, grrr) that do not work, I either wear anyway or pass on to our local reuse centre.

 And, speaking of reporting. I now have the English as a Second Language classes sort of sorted, hopes of new teachers to augment the process in the new year, and am working on prepositions with my own student. He blew a simple construction in an email to me, one that I had just gone through with him, and he is in for a bit of a hard time at our next lesson. (Picture me with a gleam in my eye and a ruler poised to thump.)

 That’s next week. When I will also finish my shopping, bake, decorate the house, go Out For Lunch again, and, probably, go to sleep every time I sit down, come the actual Day. JG has ordered the turkey. The YD is in for her second lesson on how to cook it. In the conventional oven, thank you.

 Have a good weekend. If you've read this far.


  1. I've not yet embraced more kitchen gadgets. Honestly, I don't have the room for them. I'll stick to my aged crock pots and my wonderful Le Creuset pot for slow simmering, braising, or soup making.

    It's understandable that you're hesitant about dining out. But yes, isn't it a treat to do it? We've entered the season of Infrequency for me to do so, thanks to cold weather. I am inevitably chilly in restaurants, and it ruins the experience for me. (And Rick hates to see me sit there with my coat on.)

    1. I do not embrace kitchen gadgets either. I get them given to me, by the elf, with a hopeful glint in his eye, hoping to interest me in making him meals. Yes, Le Creuset. Love it. We have given the ED a Le Creuset pot the last two years for her big Christmas gift, but we are going a little different route this year.
      There is an Italian restaurant we visit in an old house that has a beautiful fireplace where they put on a genuine fire, with logs, not gas imitations. I sit next to it and enjoy the radiant heat. As much of a treat as food not prepared by me, pots and gismos notwithstanding.

  2. Marie Smith
    It has been nice this autumn to eat out a few times. No prep etc, nor the cleaning up, my least favourite! Still, I have lost my taste for restaurant fare and would rather eat home.

    We have decided not to buy any of the new gadgets…yet any way.

    You are well away with your gift shopping by the sound of it. I have most all done now too.

    Like that new header! Well worth the effort!

    Oops - original deleted by accident.
    Thanks for the compliment - I was trying for a sort-of-Christmas look, but not the usual candles and stuff.

  3. Hi Mary. Nice update — on your header too. A long time ago, I opted for a very plain template that I have never updated. At one time my templates were more colourful, and I did update them.

    We’ve made a few purchases as well. One is a new internet box with a faster or less slow connection. I don’t notice much difference in loading etc, but if it stops that infernal buffering and even sleeping, I will be happy.

    1. Yeah, buffering. You could knit a whole blanket while you wait. If you were a knitter, that is. Or, you could feed the cat.
      Every once in a while I recall that I was, once, a graphics artist.


Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...