Tuesday, 19 December 2023

On the Runway

 It is afternoon in Lanark Highlands, and I have just attempted to make myself a cup of coffee with my fine, single-cup machine. Unfortunately, I did not put a cup under the spout. When I do not add a cup, the coffee pours into the bottom of the cup stand and this, thank goodness, is detachable. And so. having poured the coffee from the stand into my cup, cleaned the counter and wiped up the floor, I am about to drink the coffee. Once, that is, I have microwaved it to warm it up again.

So goeth life in Lanark, managed by a geriatric brain. My next job is to 1.) find the Christmas cards I stored away last year and 2.) figure out those to whom I am still sending paper cards via snail mail and 3.) write up the Christmas letter that accompanies the cards, both electronic and paper, for those friends whom I only contact a few times a year. After, that is, I get the coffee out of the microwave. I can’t write without a cup of coffee, preferably hot, beside me. It used to be a coffee and a cigarette but those days are long, long gone.

It is now bedtime in Lanark Highlands and the Christmas cards, those I have been able to locate, are piled up on my table. I have also designed and printed a proof of a card, because I did not keep enough over from last year. And I have a draft of the Christmas letter I put in some of the cards as a way of keeping in touch with distant friends.

But it is bedtime. Also, time to wish the Blog and bloggers Merry Christmas, happy Hannukah, or whatever you celebrate, with or without a Roast Beast. If I do not stop this and post the dern thing, I will be sending Easter greetings. 

May your days be merry and bright.



  1. I can’t start any day without that essential first cup of coffee. Leisurely blog reading accompanies it and then I can start the day. I am such a creature of habit!

    Enjoy the season, Mary! Take care.

  2. I feel like we've all done the coffee, at least both Sue and I have. Or sometimes I forget the coffee and just get warm water. I have forgotten the water, but the machine is smarter than I and just shuts right off. We don't send cards anymore, but I have sent some via email, and I posted my blog version already. Have a good Christmas, oh fellow addled one.

  3. Yeah, if I can find the turkey. Or the tree, or .... sigh.

  4. My worst habit is not putting the coffee pot straight under the drip. It then drips partly into the pot and partly all over the counter. Thankfully, I've not done that in a long while.

    Have a fine Christmas, dear friend. XO

    1. I missed the spout entirely, once, with my twelve cup company machine. Nice clean floor, once I dealt with the flood.

  5. Kay of Musings: Merry Christmas, Mary! I’m afraid this is the year I’m not getting much done in time for anything. I can therefore relate to all you are going through. I don’t send Christmas cards out anymore because I can’t get organized in time. Instead, I do New Year newsletters. That gives me more time. :-). I would like to wish you and yours a very wonderful holiday season!

    1. Thank you! And New Year's letters sounds like a fine idea.

  6. Like ourself I do send out cards, perhaps less than many years past, but still many more than most folks I know. I will always send them out to certain people regardless, but next year some will be cut a I have been "keeping a list" this year of sent vs. received. Postage is going up again in January, so it is coming a necessity unfortunately.

    1. Canada Post lets us buy a thing called a 'universal' stamp that can be used through several price raises. Good thing because, like you, there are folk to whom a card is owed.


Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...