Friday, 12 April 2024

Watch It

 Small things amuse small minds. I was reviewing the post that I wrote about the Drivers’ Test for eighty-year-olds, plus, and thinking that anyone who was wearing an analog watch would have no difficulty with the clock face that we were asked to draw. Although a great many people these days use digital timepieces. And teaching the little ones about clock faces is a harder task for that reason. As I was ruminating about this, I looked at my watch face. And laughed. A lot. 

Below is a drawing of what my watch face looks like. 

And, just for further amusement, I drew it again with all of the numbers that SHOULD be shown, where there are silver dots on my watch*. Grade ten Latin, anyone my age?

*The silver dots on my watch, and the silver outside round, are shown in light grey in the drawing.

And here it is.


  1. My Apple watch doesn't even have an analog clock face on it. It's just digital.
    My mom did get asked to draw a watch face when testing her dementia. She could do it... back then. Don't know about now.

  2. My smartwatch shows a digital readout -- bigly. :)

    1. Of course it does. It's smart. Most of the timepieces in our house are digital. But, I love my watch.

  3. Children today will not know a watch face. Times have changed for sure but I only have such a face on my watches. No digital for this woman! Why buy when what I have works perfectly?

    1. Yes, exactly. And mine is waterproof, so I can wash the dishes wearing it. I do not know why this is important for me, but it is. I must test my grandkid, age almost 21, to see if she can draw a clock face. I will report.

  4. I don't even wear a watch! But I remember my Roman numerals from school and have clocks on my walls with big numerals. I'm not a fan of timepieces without the numbers.

    1. My watch is waterproof, shock proof and even, mostly, me proof. If it only had all the numbers, it would be perfect. Oh, and I think it is good for 35 feet of water pressure if I were to dive wearing it. Yeah.


Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...