Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Canadian, Eh?


If there is one thing that President Trump has accomplished in his first few weeks in office, it is uniting Canadians in patriotic fervor. It would be funny, in truth, if it were not so frightening.

 It has been my impression over many years that the one thing Canadians can agree on, across provinces, languages, ethics and location, is that to be Canadian is to be … not an American. We revel, in fact, in our sub-fusc, polite (except during hockey games) personae, and quietly get on with trading with them, visiting them, buying from them and not being them. If we also ride on their coattails in defence (DEW Line, anyone?), research and medial innovation (where did my father get his heart bypass surgery in 1970? The Cleveland Clinic, thanks), entertainment (Hello Mickey Mouse, Hello Bob Dylan), and transport (so, where was your car made?), it is neither a surprise nor an impediment to dissing them at the drop of a tuque.

 The first round of MAGA was, in my opinion, a case in point. We all sat back and shook our heads and commented about the epitome of the Ugly American getting elected. He whacked us with tariffs, was rude to our Prime Minister and ignored us, mostly. Bombast, we said. I very much suspect that a lot of Americans made the same judgment. But obviously what he said and the things he did do resonated with another lot of Americans. And so, here he is again and he has learned from his being balked the first time. This time we are going to see Action. And I am not sure that any of his oh-so-wild riffs on Greenland, Panama, Canada, Gaza, all that, are anything other than real. To him. Things to get done.

 So here we are, flapping our Maple Leaf Flags, buying Canadian, bracing for tariffs. Patriotism is glowing in our hearts. (The one time I have really liked Trudeau Junior is when he made a simple and unguarded response to an annexation of Canada question. ‘That has a snowball’s chance in hell,’ he said. I devoutly hope that he is right.) I hope we continue to buy on guard, tightening our belts as necessary, so as to live with the economic war that threatens. I do hope that the patriotism is real and lasting. I do hope that we can last until the sensible half of the US of A can tame their wildman.

 That they will do so, eventually, is my hope. I have to hold on to that. What I believe is that Canadians (et aussi les Canadiens) are strongly enough rooted in our country that we will withstand whatever the madman comes up with. This country for which my father risked his life, over and over, during WWII, this country that I have studied, worked for and loved, this country will survive.

 Not American? You bet.


  1. Some of us long to come visit in Canada, for 4 years. Sigh, Linda in Kansas

    1. I can understand why you would, but I do think that people like you, who see the problems this administration is causing, need to speak out, loudly, to your congress member and senators, about not caving. Regardless of their party.
      We may soon have the longest defended border in the world up here. But, we will let you through.

  2. They have provoked the feisty Canada Goose.

    1. Oh, AC, I do hope that we are more than provoked and that we can withstand the juggernaut south of us until they come to their senses down there.

  3. On vacations, we were always mistaken for Americans, which we always corrected. May it never come to pass!

    1. I think a lot of us correct that impression. Maple leaves on our sleeves. I hope it will never come to be a real possibility. But I am scared, frankly.

  4. Right now, I'd love to be mistaken for a Canadian. Sigh.

    1. Yes, well, you know you would be welcome, but mind the snow. Actually, I am glad that you and others like you are still there and providing a sense of sanity.
      The latest is not sane. Vance. Yick.

  5. Whenever we meet a Canadian in our travels we always discover they are the nicest, kindest people ever. Whenever we've travel in Canada, we again meet people we wish lived next door to us. What we're seeing in America now is pretty pathetic. I still can't believe 'he who shall not be named' has become president. I am so disappointed in those people who voted for him. Everyday is one more nightmare thing he's done. And he's put in charge people like Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr? And then there's the Vice President we did not elect, Musk!!! Arrrghhh!

    1. Kay, I have to echo all you've said here. We travel to Canada two or three times a year and have made many friends there. I am sickened by the people here who made the conscious decision to vote for the felon rapist and all he stands for. It's made me disgusted with this country.

    2. And so what can you who see the problem do about solving it? There is nothing much we can do up here except buy Candian, keep our powder dry and read the latest 'news'. What I see is that the idiot behind the desk is surrounded by clever and unscrupulous men (Bannon, anyone, let alone Musk) who have an agenda, although the idiot does not. What they seem to be bent on doing is unravelling the rule of law. Please American friends, monitor the situation, especially the courts and judges as time goes on. It is my hope that the Republicans who are afraid to leave his coattails lest they get the same treatment as Liz Cheney can be persuaded to stiffen their spines and clean up their party.

    3. Kay, yes. Vance. Musk. Clever, unscrupulous and, at present, seeming to be quite happy to throw out, as the saying goes, the baby with the bathwater. I was taught to look for 'cui bono', who benefits. And that seems to me to be Musk, just now, and Vance having fun at the expense of what is fair and just.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks. We hang together or we hang out to dry, separately, I am afraid.


Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...