Tuesday, 12 May 2009

On the Magic Forest Drive

The Red River, with snow melt.

Some very scruffy buffalo in Highway 64, north east NM.

On the Circle Drive.

The Cimarron River in Cimarron Canyon.

In pueblo country, just outside Taos, NM.

The Rio Grande gorge just east of Taos, New Mexico. I was out on the bridge to take this when two big transport trucks rolled across and the bridge shook like a bowl full of jelly. Not happy, no.
We did the circle drive twice, once each way. The major pass is Bobcat Pass at 9820'. You are looking down at patches of still unmelted snow. And, if you are me, hyperventilating.
Off to climb a volcano tomorrow and walk around the rim. Send oxygen.


  1. I was sure the buffalo would be my favorite shot until I viewed the last picture. What a calming, breathtaking welcome that one is. ~Mary

  2. Oh Mary, I just want to hop in my car and GO! Thanks for sharing.

  3. just breath, I've lived in this land where we are on top of the mountains looking down into the canyons all my life. I haven't fallen down yet :) thanks for taking us on the road with you.

  4. My neighbor's parents live in Taos and she visits them twice a year, but she has never really talked about it -- which, now, I can't believe. Stunning!!


Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...