Friday, 23 October 2009

Dancing in my Pants

Alejna at Collecting Tokens has tagged me for the Music in my Pants meme. Gulp. Here is how you play:

If you want to join in, the game is played thusly: set your iPod to shuffle, and make a note of the songs that come up. Append the phrase “in my pants.” As many songs as you choose.

The meme is causing me difficulties because, while I do have an IPod (and me a senior citizen, too) what I use it for is to practice line dancing. Accordingly, the play list is somewhat specialized, although I do have some other music on there with which to warm up and cool down. When I started sorting out the titles I wanted to use, I realized that this could be rather misunderstood. However, here they are.

Tonight I'll be lonely too, in my pants.

Take me home country roads, in my pants.

Ho Ro Mo Nighean Down Bhóidheach, in my pants.

Rant and Roar, in my pants.

This is it, in my pants.

Better than knowing where you are, in my pants.

Rise Again, in my pants.

Um, I think I had better leave it like that.

On the other hand, we do dance to a song called 'Make love to me'. Without the pants, please.


  1. That worked out quite well. And I feel like dancing now.

  2. I'm not quite a senior but getting there, and I have also used an iPod to practice line dances.

  3. LOL - who knew that line dancing could be so risque?

  4. You seem to like songs with a pants theme! LOL!

    Thanks for the lovely poem!

    Nuts in May

  5. Excellent! I'm so glad you and your pants decided to play.

    I quite like "Ho Ro Mo Nighean Down Bhóidheach, in my pants." I have no idea what it means. My imagination likes to fill in the blanks.


Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...