Thursday, 10 February 2011


Okay, I got the whole boiling of those jobs done and emailed them off, the second one without its attachments, about 11:00 pm.  Crawled out of bed this morning and when I got around to checking the email, this lack was pointed out to me.  Re sent.  With the wrong attachment as I found out after I got home from not one but two sessions in the dentist's chair and feebly punched up the email. I have now resent with the right attachment (checked it this time) but have not had the energy to tackle the next set of jobs.  One has to be done by noon tomorrow.  Oh, dear.

I do, however, have photos.  One thing about driving an hour in to the city to the dentist and sitting in the chair for two hours is that you have lots of time to brood about what you are going to do with a prompt like 'black and white and red all over'.  Hilarious and inane variations present themselves, distracting you from the fact that the hygienist has just stuck a sharp probe into your tongue.


197/365    Green and white and reeds all over.

 198/365  Black and white and tromped all over.

You should ignore me when I whine.  It was a fantastically beautiful day today and when I left this morning, every twig and branch and needle was covered with a lovely layer of hoar frost and a sprinkle of snow diamonds.  Photos coming later.  Must get Letter to the Editor emailed.  Now!  Just recalled I have a 9:00 am appt tomorrow.

I'm getting too old for this.


Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...