Sunday, 19 November 2023

An Accidental Doze

 There’s another day gone by in which I did not post. And it was not a fun day, in spite of sun and a visit from the ED and her partner with goodies. I could not get myself moving, and when I did move, I hurt. Bad back day, coupled (if I can use that expression for this) with a sore knee day. There were, however, pumpkin spice butter tarts. Maybe my day, in retrospect, was coloured by the evening.

We chose (badly, for sure) to watch the latest episode of ‘The Crown’ to air on Netflix. Yuck. The whole season so far has been panned (I wonder why we use that expression to say the thing is terrible). This episode, in particular, has been criticized. (Hmm, better?) If you are going to watch it, this is a spoiler. The script has Diana’s ghost appearing to the Queen and Prince of Wales. And the boys’ pain is mined to its depths, unfairly, I think. If I were to act on my convictions, mainly that the whole series is in bad taste, I would not have watched it, but, hey, nosiness always wins out, like entropy,

We followed this downer with the first episode of ‘All the Light We Cannot See’. I have had this film praised to me, and I have read, struggling, the book on which it is based. But by the very nature of the story, it is full of pain and angst and nasty people shooting other people dead. Sigh. I am not sure what you would get out of the episode if you had not read the book. JG needed a lot of explication, but he often does. LOTR puts him to sleep, and he wakes up lost. Poor guy. Our taste in what to watch is not the same.

Muttering to myself. I wrote that this morning, and, for some reason, went to sleep IN my office chair, in front of the computer. I am not sure for how long. JG woke me coming in for lunch. After lunch, I zoned out again, this time with my blanket and pillow in my lounge chair. I have just now finished hurling the brownie mix pans into the oven and have until they are finished to finish this.

Yeah, November. A quiet month for sure. Talk about sleeping. Oh dear.


  1. I tried to watch both programs you mentioned but couldn’t. I couldn’t stand them long enough to explain why I didn’t like them.

    I had two naps today. Perfect for a cold November day.


    1. we have stuck with the Crown, horrible as bits have been, but one try at Light was enough.
      I am planning more naps for Tuesday. Maybe three.

  2. Oh dear, Sue has been looking forward to both of those. I have also enjoyed The Crown in the past. We shall see. I hope your sleep helps you get over your pains.

    1. I will look forward to your comments on 'The Crown'. 'Light' is supposed to be really good, but it is dark - too dark for my enjoyment.

  3. We finished The Crown, but since we knew what we were in for, we didn't mind it so much. Just like the papers, we know the series is mostly falderal. I feel for the actress playing Diana--her neck must be in traction after having to hold her head down and angled for so long.

    I'm sad to hear about All The Light... however. I am quite in love with Hugh Laurie, and since he is cast in it, I had it on my mental list to watch. I've not read the book--that particular period in history is not compelling to me--but now, after your review I wonder if I'll care for that series at all.

    Don't feel upset by your need for a nap. Trust your body. You obviously needed it. I hope your brownies came out tasty and nice.

    1. 'All the Light' is supposed to be very well done, but it is dark. I read the book and was not looking forward to the sadness again. The brownies were well received. I did leave some for JG, who happily trimmed what was left as he put the pieces into a tin.

  4. If you are tired, you rest. Especially on these cold days. Take care.

    1. I have been a nap person for most of my life, but old age is making it worse.

  5. I watched The Crown early on when Elizabeth was young. Then I stopped. Ah well. I'm glad I didn't miss much.


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