Friday, 17 November 2023

Sometimes You Just Have to Give Your Head a Shake

I am planning to attend a community lunch on Monday, the purpose of it being twofold; fun and planning for community halls. I just received an email asking that any of us bringing food should have a complete ingredient list with it. Sigh. I use a commercial pie crust, usually, for my signature maple cream pie. It is easier and faster than playing around with pie dough. I guess I could use the label on the container it comes in, but that would mean to admitting to the whole world that I am cheating, sort of, on my crust. (‘Grandma,’ I can hear a clear little voice asking. ‘Is this FROM SCRATCH or a mix?’) To give Little Miss the credit she is due, she was tuned in on ingredients because she has a potentially serious nut allergy. And I assume someone coming to this lunch has a concern. We had the same question before our hall’s roast beef dinner. But, the more I think about it, the more I think I may just make brownies instead of pie. Better for a group anyway, right? 

She who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day.

It is a grey, but very mild, day out there just now. The cloud moved in just after daybreak and the dawn light on the strips of cloud as they came was beautiful. It is now not-beautiful, with the odd left-over leaf floating by and everything in muted, dull tones. Not a day to entice oneself out for a walk, even if walking was easy. Yesterday, now, the sky was a pale blue and there was also the brighter blue of the jays as they gobbled up their daily corn ration. They are little blue pigs about the corn and only go to the silo feeders for sunflower seeds when they have eaten every corn scrap. It is the kind of day that sound carries easily, too. 

Yesterday morning I heard two gunshots in quick succession and later found out that the guys at the hunt camp next door got their third deer – for three of them. The Ministry of Natural Resources sets a limit on how many deer can be hunted in each season and in each segment of the province. ‘Deer tags’ are issued to applicants with hunting licences. It seems to work, as our deer population stays about the same year by year. When we first got this land in the mid 1970’s, deer were very, very rare, but now we see them frequently. There were three at our gate when I drove out on Tuesday. Although I love to watch them, and hate the thought of their being shot, I have to admit, in fairness, that our neighbours use or eat every scrap of the deer they take.

Hmm. How would that look on an ingredient list.

Speaking of lists, Grammarly really, really does not like doubled modifiers. And the nagging I am getting about my use of commas is horrendous. I would love to have a good argument with whomever set it up.


  1. The hunters were fortunate for each to have gotten a deer. Hearing the gunshots would be startling initially I would imagine. We heard the shots of a goose hunter recently. It was alarming until we realized what was happening.

    1. The first fall we were here we were building our cabin and it was not insulated or anything. The first day of duck season raised us all off our beds, teeth chattering, until we realized what it was. Yes, our neighbours were lucky - they went home empty-handed last year. I confess to cheering for the deer, but as I said earlier, they do use everything they take. and I am not a vegetarian either.

    2. We cheer for the deer, too. Our new neighbour, who tried to put in a gun range, baits and shoots them.
      I love your home!

  2. You mean like 'not-beautiful'. I wonder every time I do this, but I don't use grammarly, so I just plough on or sometimes plow ahead. 😊

    1. You write elegant prose. I do not. I write colloquially and if I want to say 'very very bad', Grammarly can go smoke it.

  3. I use commercial pie crust as well and feel perfectly fine about it. Still, if you want to keep your Vanity, make something else. They've all had your Signature Pie. You've nothing to prove.

    Seeing deer still gives me a thrill each and every time. One crossed in front of me on the road the other day, and I was entranced. I hope I will always be.

    1. I just had to type out the ingredient list as I managed to soak the one I clipped from the package. I will confess if asked. If not asked, not sure what I will say. Temptation is to say nothing and look like a good cook.
      I love our deer. I wish them all long life and happiness, but, if they are to be hunted, at least our neighbours are careful, crack shots and use what they take. The neighbours were here before we were, and the family have always hunted here since the land was allotted. Before that, I guess the indigenous peoples hunted here as well. We know they were here to make maple sugar.


Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...