Friday, 10 November 2023

Little Day Lost

 This was sort of a lost day. I have a recurring appointment each month to get my aged and horrible toenails cut by a nurse at our local Community Health Centre. She is just great, and I now have an appointment in 2024, because the holiday is causing a bit of a stretch. Yikes. But it is coming. The, shudder, Holiday Season is bearing down on us like a runaway freight train. Already the Christmas catalogues are out and I received my first envelope of cheap and ugly Christmas (and Season’s Greetings, of course) cards, tucked in with a request for money. They could have kept and used the money it cost to send it, IMHO.

And the mouse is there because there was a dead one in the hall when the inspectors came through. The new and extremely hard-working crew, who have tried everything to eradicate the little monsters, are not happy. I am dreaming of a resident Hall cat. Except that, cats being cats, it would probably gift the next inspector with a fine and very dead specimen of same, plus a hairball.

A short while ago JG discovered a bag of iced Christmas cookies in the downstairs freezer. They are now upstairs, thawed and stored in a cookie tin. What is left of them, that is. The good thing about the Holiday Season (Note my Use of Capitals, Nance) is that the YD will be home and make more of them. A lot more, if it is anything like last year. JG did find a whole bag of flour that she did not use in her mad cookie production, and he is finding it useful in his search for the Perfect chocolate chip cookie. I am glad to help with this search by testing each product. 

Tomorrow is Remembrance Day. I am thinking about my parents, who were both hit hard by WWII, but that will make a post for tomorrow, I guess, to be sure of marking the day appropriately. I am not sure how to mark today, other than to note that I have done five days of gratitude, but should probably do 365. 

When I read the newspaper or online news, between two wars (actually, three, when I think about it), the sickening saga of Mr. Trump, the horror, again, in parts of Africa, and the absolutely disgusting incivility at Concordia, my gratitude is all about my country, my neighbourhood, my family and all the little things that make life worth living. Even if we did have a neighbour who went and got a Trump campaign sign and posted it on a Hydro pole. I never did find out why. He has since moved away. Phew.

And, to carry the theme on (thank you Jane, neighbour extraordinaire), I am grateful to you, for being you, among other things. And to your daughters, who keep me in the loop.


  1. You got me looking up what has been going on at Concordia. It was pretty much as I anticipated.

    1. it hit me hard, maybe because my grandkid is at a Montreal university, although not that one, thank goodness. I guess it is that kids who should be taught to debate and think are not doing either.

  2. Nice capitals, Mary. I'm such a fan, as you know. ;-)

    A Hall cat sounds like a decent solution, especially if someone can drop by at regular intervals to keep it socialized and properly looked after. And, of course, if it is a reputable mouser. My first two cats were definitely NOT, and they were flat failures when a mouse was in our basement.

    Regarding your dismay at the former guy, as we call the republican embarrassment (aka the indicted, the rapist, the defeated former guy--and you'll notice I don't capitalize anything referring to that individual), we share it in spades. Would that he would just go away, preferably to a federal lockup, never to be heard from again.

    1. The local cats, house and feral, all come with mousing certificates. I am only eight driving minutes from the hall, in any kind of reasonable weather, and could feed and pet. I am going to propose it - we have a meeting next week. And we will see. At present, I believe they are putting down poison, but I am not okay with that. What if a poisoned but still mobile mouse gets outside again. Nothing is easy.

  3. It is terrible in many spots. Concordia, I couldn't imagine the footage.
    I hear you about the eternal card supplies. I use them as kindling. Then there are the nickels MS keeps sending.

    1. I have tried everything, including sending them back, but I think the bot in charge is not listening. And yeah, the nickels. Sigh.

  4. We have mice in our generator house, a small structure to itself, near the garage. I am always afraid they will get in the garage and from there into the house. My, husband is at war with them.

    1. We had one influx into the house, when a new heating system went in that required a hole - a very small hole - in the foundation wall. We got the mice out and plugged the hole. No trouble since. But JG is finding them in his truck this fall and, so far, has not figured out what the entrance point is. Yeah, it's a war.

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Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...