Sunday, 3 June 2007

Lilac Watch, with butterflies

We have a Japanese lilac beside the kitchen door. It blooms later than the ordinary lilacs and has smaller blooms but a lovely scent. This afternoon it was covered with bees and wasps of many varieties and both regal and common swallowtail butterflies. I stood on the kitchen porch, dodging drunken bees, and took these pictures.
This is a Common Yellow Swallowtail.

This is a Viceroy or a Regal -- I haven't got a good shot of the tail to tell which. Most likely a Viceroy, however, as it is too early here for the milkweed butterflies.

I took these on 'fine' with a Coolpix 8700, on auto, cropped the result and equalized the light using Corel's PhotoPaint. The Swallowtail is not as bright as it should be as the light kept changing on me.

This should have been the 'Travel writeup' Monday Mission. I am ducking out tonight, but hope to get it up on Tuesday.


  1. oh how gorgeous! I just love butterflies, I might have lost my breath at the sight of those

  2. Wow, those are waaaay better than the pictures I took at the butterfly room at the Pacific Science Center, and these are in your yard!

  3. These are breathtaking, flutter's right.

  4. We rode our bikes to a local park on Sunday -- it's more a nature reserve than a park, really -- and we saw FIVE different kinds of butterflies in a 10 foot radius. That seemed like a good sign of something-or-other to me. Three of the butterflies seemed like moths, like the kind you see swirling around a light at night, but the other two looked similar to your picture. I think we saw the top one, and then we saw one similar to that but white instead of yellow and with blue on its tail. Soooo pretty. My daughter actually caught one of them.

    We also saw a snake. Do snakes eat butterflies?

  5. Just beautiful! We just saw a Viceroy too, and it came back over to us five or six times. My boys were so excited, and talked about it all day. Thanks for visiting, BTW - I like your blog, and it means a lot to me that someone who isn't the same generation reads mine. That's what's so often missing from the blog world; the intergenerational aspect.


Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...