Friday, 13 April 2007

Grama versus Blogger -- Round 3

I was really pleased to be named with a just post award by Jen of One Plus Two and Under the Mad Hat. Flattered, too, as I am not sure I am really in the swing of things yet and I am really awed by the company I am keeping. I gather that the idea is to put the icon in your blog margin and link it to the post. And I have just spent an unhappy half hour trying to figure out how to do that. And not succeeding. I will have to go and dig around in Blogger Help again, but I am just too tired tonight. Too many fundraising meetings.

Up under the blog title I have just changed the picture. I love photographing birds. My daughters would say I have an obsession with photographing birds. I have walked off the edge of docks, got sucked into swamps, fallen over backwards (to their teenaged embarrassment), and been eaten by every insect that frequents beaches, bogs and blinds. Some of the pictures I am even proud of. This heron shot is one of them. It has just caught a small fish and it is looking so smug about it all.

If you look very carefully you can see a very tiny gull in the shot of Little Stuff by the river -- off in the upper left hand corner. That shot is about the twentieth try. I love digital cameras. Bird photography used to be a much more expensive hobby with colour film. Especially when you're like me and never do exactly what you tried for.

Or remember people by the right name. Crumb! Sorry Mad. Just fixed it.


  1. That *is* a beautiful Heron picture. In fact, my 2 year old just walked by, stopped, and asked me what it was.

    Thank you for your comments on my blog. It's nice to know that others have been there!

  2. I love that picture.

    On the subject of feeling honoured, you have mistakenly called me Her Bad Mother in this post. Now that's an honour. As for putting in the icon in your post. Go to the edit posts screen, select the post you want to edit and open it up. Click on the "Edit HTML" tab (as opposed to the "compose" tab) and then paste in the button code. Email me if this doesn't make sense.


Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...