Friday, 31 October 2008

Introducing ...Madame Butterfly

This costume came into being because Little Stuff saw a photo of her mother, some thirty years and more ago, with butterfly wings and wanted a pair of her very own.

Her grandfather thinks it is a good thing that it was not a windy night.

I am delighted because this very shy child was pleased enough with how she looked that she would to go up to the doors by herself and thank people who complimented her on her costume.


  1. Stunning! Did you make those? You are a wonder!

  2. You made those?? You made those!!

    Incredible. What a lucky girl your granddaughter is.

  3. 'sWonderful. And she is picture perfect.

  4. wow - what wonderful grandparents! And she is so cute


A Door Able(s)

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