Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Wordless Wednesday

October 31st, 1976 (approximately)

Not in the picture -- Little Stuff finding this photograph in an album in September.

October 21st, 2008

Not in the photo -- Grandpa with wires in the barn, bending and fastening.
Also not in the photo, Grama with old white sheets, paintbrush, glue, needle and thread, etc.


  1. They will be bigger than she is! (but you are a great grandma)

  2. To the YD
    Nooo. Not yet.

    One more complaint out of you, Cinderella, and I put up the photo of your Amazon warrior costume.



Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...