Sunday, 1 February 2009

Monday Mission

Painted Maypole has set us the task of doing a greeting card this week. You can get the links at her site.


  1. this whole thing seems so backwards to me! ;) but it's pouring rain here, so I guess spring is on it's way!

  2. I look EXACTLY like that ground hog today. In fact, it could be a photo of me.

  3. happy groundhog day, ours is very sunny

  4. We were supposed to have sun, but it's very cloudy today, so it's good news for us (maybe not - these clouds are bringing MORE snow tomorrow)! Seriously, of all the "imaginary characters," one that could bring an early spring would probably be MY favorite.


A Door Able(s)

    We are almost at the end of the decent weather for the months to come. While it is still mild most of the time, we have had one snowfa...