Sunday, 1 March 2009

Cold Lamb

March came in here like a lamb. Of sorts. Sunny, windless and c c c cold! JG remarked that it would have to be an extra wooly lamb, so I gave it a sweater, tuque and snowbank to stand in.

Canadian lamb, I guess.


  1. It's a lamb here, we've been outside playing all week. I think we had upper 50's today. Love your extra wooly lamb!

  2. We (NE Ohio) had the sun, but wicked wind and high of 19. I'm sick to death of cold. No snow on the ground, either. Does this count as a lamb or a lion? Doesn't matter, it's miserable.

    Where is Spring?

  3. I think that lamb just took off like a shot through my front yard. Hard to tell with all that white stuff 'round.

    Loved, loved what you wrote at my place just now. Must come back to read you more, so that I might know you.

  4. March did not come in like a lamb here. It came in like a cold roaring lion. I cannot wait for spring.

  5. At first glance, I thought the lamb was pooping, which would be an accurate description of the first few days of March in Toronto. (Although it's 15 degrees today!)


Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...