Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Wordless Wednesday; Spring on the Madawaska River

Yeah, that is snow falling.


  1. frankly, I wish I were back there!

  2. I always knew you were a bit strange. I am about to crawl into bed and turn my blanket up to 9.

  3. My sentiments are the same as yours!

    I guess if your hardy enough, canoeing in a snowstorm might be fun!

  4. oh, yuck. wet and cold are my two least favorite feelings. Maybe I'm responding so strongly because we had a beautiful day yesterday and now today it's gloomy, with rainstorms on the way.

  5. wow. crazy.

    I've spent the last few days gardening between thunderstorms

  6. A friend asked the other day if the flowers were beginning to push through. uhuhuhuh...real tears. Ya, snowing.

  7. What. the. Hell. I am shivering just looking at that!!


Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...