Friday, 13 March 2009

A Little Weak in the Knees

I have been boasting, here and there around the place, about what a laissez faire mother I was, how I let my girls try out unusual things, have adventures with risk involved, and all that. How I cheerfully watched the YD make her first parachute jump, following her progress with my camera.
That was then. The now is somewhat different. We are looking after Little Stuff this weekend while her parents are overseas. This afternoon, although cold, was a blaze of glorious sunshine. You could walk anywhere on the snow. Grandpa went out to cut down a tree at the edge of the maintained field so that he could haul it away while everything was still frozen. Little Stuff and I went out to watch, take pictures and follow deer trails.
After Grandpa hauled the tree away, I headed for the nearest deer path. Looked around for the five year old, who had been poking around the base of a tree. Heard a giggle. Looked up. Way up. See that little pink blob about ten feet off the ground?
Erk. 'Grama,' said the little monster darling, 'take my picture up here.' I obliged, but it took me several tries to get my finger on the button.
'Do you want me to come down now?' said the cheerful voice.
'Yes!' said Grama.


  1. I don't know how 'cheerfully' you came along to my first jump ....

    But what a day (and her Mother will enjoy the picture!)

  2. Oh, yes! It's scary to watch others explore and try unknown things. It's wonderful that you did it.. and that you took a picture to remember it!


  3. Makes complete sense to me. Being Mom and Being Grandma = Two Completely Different Things. (Or so I am told...!)

  4. Well, YD, I might have been a bit pale. But the pictures are all in focus.
    Chani, she demanded the photo. And, when her parents called this evening, she announced proudly that she has 'learned to climb trees'. It was the leggings and boots that worried me -- that's a lot of bulk to climb in.
    Nance, you bet. The only other time I remember being quite that nervous was when I found that the ED, one arm and shoulder bound up because of a broken collar bone, had climbed a tree one handed.


Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...