Wednesday, 4 March 2009

The Power of Magical Thinking

For Wordless Wednesday, I just changed my header photo. And posting this.

Edited to add -- I put this same photo up this time last year. And we got 20" of snow. Well, once is a coincidence.


  1. Ah, it snowed here last night. I'm blaming you!!!

  2. If this harkened twenty inches of snow last year then can I ask, what are you thinking? No.more.snow.

    Pretty photo though. Let us hope.

  3. Spring will come . . . I hope you don't get 20 more inches of snow

  4. I have a feeling that it will be different this year. Having said that, I don't think winter is yet done with is. Sadly.

  5. Na na na na, weather gods. It is sunny today. And warm.

  6. Ew, maybe that was a risky thing to say. Just looked outside and it is clouding over. Gulp.


Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...