Sunday, 27 May 2007

Jen(Ponderosa)'s Monday Mission - verse or worse.

Oh it's Grama this and Grama that and Grama! Come and play!

We have the grandkid for a week -- her parents are away;
She likes to come and stay with us because she gets to play,
And look at all the birds and bugs and chipmunks eating bread,
And watch the squirrels and butterflies and squash mosquitoes dead.

Grama? Grama, Grama! Look at this!
I found a little turtle -- hear him hiss?
Grama? Grama, Grama! Here's a snail!
I'm gonna put him in the water pail.

There's a box with colour markers and some paper and some glue,
There's a bag of plastic dishes and some rubber froggies too.
There are china birds for let's pretend -- a good one and a bad.
And in the yard there's rocks and weeds and neat stuff to be had.

Grama? Grama, Grama! See me run!
Come on Grama! Run too. We'll have fun.

Grama? Come and play with me, make the birdies talk.
It's a sunny day outside, let's go for a walk.
There's a LOT of bugs out here, put my bug stuff on.
I saw a chipmunk over there, oh look, oh now he's gone.

Grandma, you look funny in that hat.
Grama, look, your tummy's kind of fat.
Grama? Grama, Grama! Where you're at?

The stars are twinkling overhead, (Grama, there's the moon!)
All the toys are put away. It will be bedtime soon.
Grama, read another book? Where's my bedtime snack?
It may seem like forever, but her parents will come back.....
It won't be long enough until her parents take her back.
Mummy? Mummy, Mummy! I had fun.

with apologies to Rudyard Kipling


  1. Oh, Mary G, this one has me all teary-eyed. Can't WAIT til I get to be "Grama!"

  2. It may seem like forever, but her parents will come back.....
    It won't be long enough until her parents take her back.

    I'm not a grandma, but I can see it in these lines.


    My little girl has just recently stopped calling stars, "How I wonders" and this made me a little sad when I thought of it.

  3. Awesome.

    You know, there are advantages to having a boy who can keep his own counsel. Pie, on the other hand, is much more persistent: "Read a book this one? Read a book this one?"

  4. Aww, this is so, so sweet. I loved it.

    -- Jennifer (Faking It)


Digging Out

The photo below is a shot of what happens when you get a LOT of snow on the roof. If you enlarge it, you can see the shoveller working away ...